Days by days. Hours by hours. Minuets by minuets. Seconds by seconds. They all seemed to not matter any more as we waited and prayed for Rain to get better. There would be moments were his finger would twitch to the sound of Brandie's voice or to Shane's laugh and sometimes to my cries. But that all there was. Nothing more and nothing less. Just a single finger twitch every now and then.
It was like all there was to old on to was our hope for him to suddenly spring to life and make all of us laugh. Just that hope that he would be the Rain we all knew and love and not this motionless body that never said anything to us when we tried to get him to respond. But who could blame him? He was in a coma.
He was in a coma...just the though of it still sends chills down my spine. Even though it was happening right in front of my eyes it all seemed like some twisted dream. It was like having to deal with Rachel dying all over again but this time I was witness my friend possibly slipping from life.
And I wonder how it was for Brandie? Knowing that the last thing they said to each other was in anger. No love involved. Just bitter anger that was being used to accuse each other of things that never happened. I couldn't bare it if it was me.
I watched as Shane and Cecilia giggled to each other, with her on his lap, and his nose brushing against hers. The whole thing made my heart cringe. For one because I was jealous and I wanted that to be him and I, but I was never going to admit that. Not even to myself. And second it made me miss Lyric. I missed his touch and his smile. Even his smell. I just missed him and this whole waiting with only hope for Rain to open his eyes only made me need him even more.
They continued to giggle, laugh, and much to my dismay kiss each other. Acting as if there wasn't two other people in the room, one who was waiting for her boyfriend to wake up from a coma, and the other waiting for her fiance to get back from England. I looked away from them, not being able to look without feeling sick, and glanced back at Brandie, who was sleeping with her tear stained cheek pressed against Rain's hand.
I pushed some hair out of her face and sighed sympathetically. I looked back at the two love birds in the corner, only to find them making out. I felt tears swell up in my eyes and quickly looked away. "I-I'm going to get some air." I stuttered with a cracking voice, a few tears pooling over. I heard them both take a breath and knew they were looking at me.
"Ella?" Shane asked and I knew he was concerned but I ignored him and rushed out of the room. Tears kept falling and I was lucky that I was in a hospital because if I was any where else someone would stop me to ask what was wrong. I rushed out side and gasped once fresh air filled my lungs. I got a few strange looks but I shook them off and walked over to a empty bench.
I sat down and put my head in my hands, biting my lip to keep in sobs. "Why can't I just figure out what I want?" I whispered, tugging at my hair. I thought I knew that I wanted Lyric and that Shane and I should be friends. I knew that it was going to suck at first with Shane and I but I thought I could handle it.
But I guess I thought wrong.
I heard foot steps coming towards me and hoped it was Brandie. I could really use one of her hugs right now and just for someone to give me advice. I felt a hand on my shoulder and let out a small whimper.
"Hey...you alright?" Shane's voice filled my ears and I instantly froze. I sat there with my head in my hands and lips tugged between my teeth, trying not to break down in sobs. I needed to be strong in front of him. "El?"

Love me Endlessly
Teen FictionElla Hall moved to New York four years ago. Leaving behind a rocky love life, old friends, and one hell of a senior year. She was ready to start her new life and leave the past behind her, but that didn't really go has plan. You see she happen to ru...