"No, I understand mom. The snow storms can be brutal." I said, shifting the phone I was talking into from one ear to the other, and started to mash the sweet potatoes for the casserole. The sound of heavy footsteps going up the stair case caused me to bring my attention to the side entrance of my kitchen. "Psst." I called after him and he paused poking his head down from the railing. "Will you bring down Mackenzie for her breakfast?" He gave a nod before heading back up the stairs.
I continued my conversation with mom, talking about the usual topics. Whether I was going to have another kid anytime soon, when Kenzie was going to start school, and how running the studio was going. "Cassie and Maddie are taking over for a few weeks while I stay at home with Mackenzie." I told her.
"Well can't he stay home with her while you go teach?" She asked and I sighed, not wanting to get back to this subject. "I mean he is her father."
"I know he is, mom. But his work takes up his time and we both understand that completely. He's doing what he loves." I smile fondly at the thought of how his face lights up when he's at work.
She sighed in frustration and I could just see the scowl plastered on her face. "I still think he should be there for his family." She noted and I rolled my eyes, lifting the bowl over to the dish on the counter.
"And he is. Sometimes we all have to stick it out until he can take a break from work but he has a lot of people to be idol for mom. He can't let them down." I replied just has Mackenzie came skipping into the room with her candy cane stripped dress on and her dark brown hair pulled up into a high pony tail. I smiled at her as leaned up on her toes to see what I was pouring into the dish.
"Mommy, what are you making?" She asked in her sweet two year old voice.
"Sweet potato casserole." I told her and she squealed in excitement since it was her favorite. "You wanna get the marshmallows for me?" I asked her and she nodded energetically, rushing over to the pantry.
"I'm sorry I couldn't make it. I really wanted to be there this Christmas." Mom said for the fifth time since she called me.
"Like I said I understand. You can't control the weather and if you can then we need to talk." I joked and she gave a giggle making me smile. "And we'll just fly you down in a few weeks and open your presents th-"
"Hey, mama hall." Lyric called into the phone, pulling it away from my ear. I glared at him and went to reach for it but he spun away and stuck his tongue out at me. "What is Ella doing? Just giving me the normal death glare." He chuckled, eyes wandering over to the other side of the room. "Kenzie!" He screamed, tossing the phone at me, and catching her right as she slipped from the chair she was standing on.
"Oh my god" I gasped and rushed over, forgetting the phone on the counter. Lyric sat her up right on her feet and squatted down in front of her now fearful face and teary eyes.
"You gotta be more careful, munchkin." He cooed, brushing his thumb under her eye to get rid of a tear. "Are you alright?" He asked, concern filling his eyes.
"I-I think so." She sniffled and looked down at herself. "Do I have any booboos?" She asked cutely and I gushed as he went into doctor mode checking all over her.
"Nope. You are booboo free, miss. But you're still going to have to pay me for that inspection." He joked and she got a playful look in her eyes, the fear being wiped away.
"But I have no monies." She said holding out her hands to show him that she meant business.
"Uh-oh. No monies she says. You know what that means, right nurse Ella?" He asked looking up at me and I nodded with a smile. "You have to pay the tickle monster now." He said voice growing deeper.

Love me Endlessly
Teen FictionElla Hall moved to New York four years ago. Leaving behind a rocky love life, old friends, and one hell of a senior year. She was ready to start her new life and leave the past behind her, but that didn't really go has plan. You see she happen to ru...