I rushed into the hospital, tears running down my face, and heels in my hand. I probably looked a like a girl that just got trashed at a party and dumped by her boyfriend, but I honestly could care less. I practically ran over to the reception desk and slammed my hand down on the surface, startling the lady typing away on her computer.
"I need to know what room Rain Jones is in!" I shouted and she flinched away. I heard feet running towards me and saw Shane rushing in...with Cecilia clutching to his hand. I didn't have time to flip shit on him for bringing her. I was too worried about Rain to be mad. I looked back at the lady who was now typing calmly on her computer. "Hey! I said that I need-"
"Ella!" Brandie's voice cut me off and I snapped my head over to the lobby where she was standing, make-up running down her fair skin and blonde hair messily hanging in her face. I forgot my motives at the desk and ran over to her. She engulfed me in a hug, sobbing hysterically, and clutching to the back of my dress.
"How is he?" I asked, pulling back to look her tear stained face. She bit her lip, trying to keep in more sobs, before letting out a shaky breath. My heart fell at the thoughts rushing through my head as I stumbled backwards, bumping into someone, and I knew it was Shane. "Oh..oh god...is...he..." She cut me off before I could finish.
"No!" She exclaimed and a happy sob fell from my lips. "He is in a coma but he's stable. They j-just won't let me see him. I need to see him, Ella." She broke down into more sobs and this time I was the one to hug her. "It's my fault. It's my fault he is like this."
"Shh." I cooed, stroking her hair. "It wasn't anybody's fault, Brandie. This was just all one big accident." I added having a hard time believing it myself, but after what happen to Rachel...it is a little easier saying it.
"If I just hadn't yelled at him. If I hadn't accused him of cheating. I'm just so scared I'm not enough. I'm scared that he'll never know how in love I am with him. Oh god! What if he doesn't wake up?" She cried, knees buckling, and sending both of us to the floor.
"Don't say that!" It was Shane this time to say something. I looked back at him, trying not glare at him for bringing the red headed demon with him. "He's going to wake up. H-he has too." His voice cracked and tears were welling up in his eyes. I could tell he was about to cry and that only made me want to pull him in my arms and whisperer sweet nothings in his ear...like I use to. But the sight of Cecilia rubbing his arm and giving him soft looks I knew I was no longer allowed to do that anymore.
"Shane's right. Rain is so fucking strong. He is not going to let something so cliche kill him. If Rain is going to die he is going out with a bang." I said and Brandie gave a weak laugh. "Rain is going to wake up and we are all going to be there when he opens his mouth to say some shitty joke about the whole thing that is going to be so bad we are going to have to laugh."
"Your friend is going to be alright." Cecilia said and I cut my eyes at her, glaring. Who is she to say something when no one wants her in the first place?
Except Shane.
Brandie pulled away at her voice and eyed her in annoyance. "And who the hell are you?" Brandie snapped, standing from the ground. Cecilia looked taken back and a scared but who wouldn't when you have the most punk ass girl snapping at you.
I must admit I smirked at her look of fear.
"This is Cecilia. I was on a date with her before I got your call." Shane said as Cecilia hid behind him, acting as if she shy. I rolled my eyes and turned towards Brandie who was not promptly shooting daggers at both of them.
"So you thought it would be okay to bring you next fuck toy to the hospital where one of your best friends is in a freaking coma?! Are you kidding me right now!?" She fumed, balling up her fist. Even I was scared at the sight of her.

Love me Endlessly
JugendliteraturElla Hall moved to New York four years ago. Leaving behind a rocky love life, old friends, and one hell of a senior year. She was ready to start her new life and leave the past behind her, but that didn't really go has plan. You see she happen to ru...