Hey guys! Sorry for yet another author note! I swear I am working on the next chapter and it will have all you Elane lovers dying from feels. :) Anyways so I have been editing and rewriting and trying to perfect the first chapter of this story I'm thinking about sending into a publishing office and I just need some criticism!
So if y'all can check it out that would be great! Don't go easy on me with you voice your opinion I need the hard truth. That's about it! Enjoy.
❤Chapter 1- The nerd and the badass❤
I was fourteen when I first met Ryder Daniels. It might have been 4 years ago but I still remember it like it just happened yesterday...
It was the first day of Freshmen year. I was a scared girl that everyone picked on who wore boxed frame glasses and oversized clothes to hide the figure I thought I didn't have. My hair was horribly frizzy and pulled up into two pigtails. I was dressed in my mother's painting overalls that I thought were the best thing since slice bread. They had splotches of paint on almost every spot of the jean material. Every color known to man was on them, from pomegranate red to green apple. They were absolutely ridiculous and I looked even more ridiculous wearing them.
I was walking down the cracked and dirty sidewalk that ran throughout my neighborhood, the newest version of the I-pod tucked into my pocket and the headphones that came with them planted in my small ears, blaring 80's rock music. The morning air was crisp and cooling, blowing wisps of my dark brown locks of frizzy hair around, and tickling my face. I had good hopes for that day and was thinking about them when an old man on a cane walked up beside me, wobbling slightly as he put all his weight on an old wooden stick. I noticed he was walking on the very edge of the sidewalk and if he was to fall, he would go flying into the road. I moved over with out him asking, giving him enough room to walk fully on the sidewalk and he gave me a grateful smile.
"Thank you, miss.” His voice was shaky and raspy with age. I gave a smile back and nodded before returning my gaze to the path ahead of us. We walked in silence for a while before the shouting of rowdy boys filled the quiet air, making both of us glance behind us. There were about six of them all together and they were all dressed like a tiny biker gang, riding on high handled bikes. I focused ahead, trying my best not to be noticed by them, knowing they were no good. I prayed that the old man would do the same.
All of a sudden the kids whipped past and I thought YES! WE MADE IT OUT ALIVE! But of course I thought too soon because the second to last kid stuck out a long stick and hit the old man's cane, knocking it out from under him. With a breathy yelp and the clattering of wood hitting the ground, the man fell. I gasped in fear and stopped walking, dropping to my knees next to him and panicking once I saw that he was unconscious and a little bit of blood was leaking from the back of his head. I reached for my phone to call 9-1-1 when an almost angelic voice filled the air, making me snap my head up.
“Hey! Assholes!” A boy that looked around my age yelled after the kids. He was probably the sexiest thing I ever laid eyes on. He had big golden brown eyes, quaffed dirty blonde hair that highlighted his well-structured face, and plump lips that were a light shade of natural pink. Those lips looked like they were as soft as feathers from the finest pillow. Just the sight of him made my heart speed up.
My breath caught in my throat as his angry eyes landed on me for a split second, then dropped to the old man and instantly softened. “Aw man...” He sighed and kneeled on the other side of him, scooping his head into his lap. “What the hell is wrong with them?” He growled under his breath. I continued to watch in awe as his face showed every emotion possible before finally settling into a tight frown, contorting his expression into a bitter, yet beautiful masterpiece.

Love me Endlessly
Teen FictionElla Hall moved to New York four years ago. Leaving behind a rocky love life, old friends, and one hell of a senior year. She was ready to start her new life and leave the past behind her, but that didn't really go has plan. You see she happen to ru...