By the sound of it the masked was figure was a girl who was really strong for a girl her size. I stared at her in fear as she gave me a dominating look, slowly pulling me away wall. My heart thumped hard against my chest as she turned my back towards her and something ice cold was pressed against my neck.
"If you make a sound when we get out there...I won't hesitate to cut that pretty little neck of yours. Understand?" She threaten and a small whimper slipped from my mouth, making her press the knife harder into my neck, almost breaking skin. "What did I say? Make a sound and your done." She growled.
I forced back the other whimper as she slowly slid the knife across my neck, cutting me slightly. There was a stinging sensation afterwards and I could feel the sticky and dense crimson liquid slide down my neck, seeping into my white sweater. She walked us out the kitchen, stepping on the back of my heels with her boots, definitely scraping skin.
There were two other people in the living room, much bigger than her, but dressed in the same black clothing and mask. They were pointing guns at Lyric and Ms. Stone who were sitting on the couch. They were all staring at each other and never looked away when we walked in. Lyric was glaring at the guy in-front of him but by the way his hand shook I knew he was scared. The same with Ms. Stone. It was like they were twins.
"Ahem." The girl holding me cleared her throat and they all looked over at his. Lyric's face went to concern and then anger once his eyes landed on the knife and blood on my neck and running down my chest.
"You assholes!" He screamed looking back at the guy at in front of him. "What the hell did you do to her!?" They guy quickly punched him in the jaw, a loud knocking sound filled the room at impact, and Lyric's head snapped to the left.
"I said shut up!" They guy snapped, voice deep and raspy. Lyric groaned and lifted his head back up, glaring at the guy. "If I was you, boy. I would stop with the dagger eyes before your bitch get's shot." He added, pointing the gun at me. I tensed in the girl's arms and made the knife press into my neck harder.
Lyric's eyes soften once he looked over at me and I gave a scared look. He let out a sigh and dropped his head, now looking at his lap. The guy pointed his gun back at him and a part of me wanted to relax but I couldn't knowing that even though it wasn't pointed at me anymore it was pointed at someone I love.
" here how this is going to work." The girl behind me spoke, her breath going down my neck. Which made me think that she took off her mask. "You are going to put everything worth value in this bag." She paused and I could feel her nod at the bag the guy pointing the gun at Ms. Stone was holding. "Then we are going to leave and if you tell the police about this something very bad will happen to girly right here." She said stroking her hand on my hair making me suck in a breath.
"Yo boss. Why don't we just take the bitch with us? I know me and my brother could use some fun, if ya know what I mean?" The guy with the bag said nudging his brother with his elbow and I could her the dark smirk in his voice.
I knew what he meant. I knew exactly what he meant. And because I knew my whole body started to go in defense mode at even the thought of it. I eyed the door, trying to come up with a way to escape this without losing anything. I could easily take the girl out if I tried hard enough and she didn't have a knife pressed to my neck. I just had to think.
Lyric's head snapped up at his words and a low inhuman like growl made its way through his throat. "Don't you even dare." He hissed and I honestly thought for a second that the guy would drop dead by the way Lyric was staring at him. "Don't even fucking think about it. You touch her and I swear on my life I will fucking end you." He fumed, moving around in his restraints that kept his hands bounded.

Love me Endlessly
Teen FictionElla Hall moved to New York four years ago. Leaving behind a rocky love life, old friends, and one hell of a senior year. She was ready to start her new life and leave the past behind her, but that didn't really go has plan. You see she happen to ru...