I groaned at the loud sound of what I thought was my alarm clock exploding into the room, putting the pillow over my head to drown out the noise, and block out the blinding light. My hand searched for the phone as more groans escaped me when it seemed like the sound was only getting louder. I sighed once I realized it was someone calling me. "This better be good for you to be calling me at six in the freaking morning." I growled into the phone, not caring who was on the other side.
"Good morning to you, doll." Lyric chuckled and I sprung up, completely in shock to hear his voice, since it has been almost two months since he got checked into rehab.
"Lyric? When did you get out?" I asked, suddenly not tired.
"About thirty minuets ago. I'm waiting for a cab as we speak." He said and the sound of car horns mixed in with his voice.
"You didn't have to call a cab. I could have came and picked you up." I told and threw my legs over the side of the bed. I grabbed the hair tie off the night stand and turned the phone on speaker before pulling my hair up in to a bun.
"It's fine, doll. I need to go do some stuff before I head back to Rain's place." He started. "I called cause I want to see you." My heart started flutter at the softness of his voice and how good it was to hear him say that.
"I want to see you too." I smiled and ran my hand over the engagement ring I still wear. "I'm honestly really surprise you want anything to do with me."
"Well, at first I didn't want to but spending those two months in rehab gave me a lot of time to think and I've come to realize that I don't want to throw away almost three years of what we had just because of some drunken mistake." I looked down at my lap, not being able to keep the huge smile off my face, and my heart beating a million times per second. "But we'll talk more about this when we meet up. That old diner by the studio good for you? Say around one o'clock today?"
"That's perfect." I beamed, standing from the bed, and walking over to the dresser to find something to wear. There was a comfortable silence for a few minuets and the only thing heard was the sound of the city from his side of the phone, before he spoke up.
"I'll see you then, doll." You could practically hear the smile in his tone. "I...I love you, Ella." He whispered and the shirt I was holding dropped to the floor. My heart skipped a beat at his words and my mind was begging for him to say the words I thought I would never hear from him again.
"I love you too, Lyric." I replied back and even though he has said it a million times before my cheeks felt warm and I bet they were a rose color as well.
With that our short, six in the morning, heart racing conversation ended. And I was left with seven hours to prepare myself to see him again. With nerves I haven't felt since we went on our very first date three years ago.
*** I hummed along to the sound of S.O.S by Jonas Brothers as I curled the final piece of my now mainly brown hair. I had a few last minute touches to the waterfall curls before proceeding to do a light coat of makeup.
"I gave my all for you now my heart's in two." I sang into my powder brush and shook my hips to the beat. Once my makeup was done I danced across the room to the closet to pick out a pair of shoes.
I was wearing a pair of black high waisted shorts and a light blue crop tops with a sliver owl shaped necklace to tie it all together. I settled with a pair with a pair of tan leather sandals and natural makeup to keep things casual. I took a glance in the full body mirror and gave a small smile, feeling prettier than I have ever had for the last few months.
My phone buzzed from the dresser, making the sound ripple through the now quiet room. I walked over and smiled once I saw that it was Lyric texting me to confirm I was still meeting up with him. I gave a quick reply before realizing I only had twenty minuets before I'm suppose to meet him and it took me twenty-five to get there.

Love me Endlessly
Teen FictionElla Hall moved to New York four years ago. Leaving behind a rocky love life, old friends, and one hell of a senior year. She was ready to start her new life and leave the past behind her, but that didn't really go has plan. You see she happen to ru...