I groaned once the cover I was snuggled up under got ripped off of me. Sunlight blinded me and cold air from the three fans I had on made my body fluster with goosebumps. I looked up to see a smiling Maddie staring at me with my cover in her hands.
"Rise and shine, beauty." She chirped with a smile, making me want to throw my pillow at her. I groaned instead and buried my face into the softness of the pillow, bringing my knees up to my chest.
"Go away!" I whined, wrapping my arms around my legs. I gave a tired scream once she took hold of my foot and yanked me down to the end of the bed. "Are you crazy!?" I shouted giving her the death glare.
She sent me a smile and dropped my leg. "Maybe just a bit." She giggled and I rolled my eyes. "Hurry up and get dressed. We're going out for a girls day." She chimed, happily walking over to the door. "And if you aren't out within twenty minutes I'm going to come in with a bucket of ice water."
I threw my head back on the bed, a annoyed groan loudly escaping me. "I hate you!" I screamed at her, sitting up, my now extremely dirty blonde hair falling in my face.
"Love you too, babe!" She called back, making me roll my eyes with a small smile. I sighed, knowing that she wasn't kidding about coming back with ice water, and pushed myself off the bed to take a shower. I grabbed a pair of leggings, one of Lyric's jumpers, and some clean underwear, before dragging myself into the bathroom.
I turned on the water and switched on the I-pod we kept in there that was hooked up to the speakers. I jumped once I clicked the shuffle button and Kiss me by Ed Sheeran blared through the system. I automatically changed the song and turned down the volume, not being able to listen to the song or any song that Shane has sang to me since we slept together.
Check yes, Juliet by We the kings softly played and I smiled, remembering this was the first song Lyric and I preformed to at the studio. I stripped from Lyric's old rolling stones shirt and underwear before stepping into the steaming shower. I sang along in a soft voice, rolling my shoulders as the hot water worked out the tension on my shoulders.
Mainly caused from guilt.
I closed my eyes as I ran my fingers through my soaked hair, finger tips brushing over the still sensitive mark on my neck. I shivered at the thought of Shane marking my skin in that spot, biting roughly at the soft skin, and then kissing it tenderly to sooth it. I opened my eyes and shook the thought from my head, guilt taking over, and continued with my shower.
Not letting my mind wander back to him.
"Morning Sunshine." Cassie beamed at me as I walked into the kitchen. I gave a tired groan, the shower not waking me up a completely. She chuckled and slid me a cup once I sat down at the counter next to her.
I wrapped my hands around the warm mug and hummed once the bitter but calming taste of black coffee laced over my taste buds. I sent her a thankful look and glanced over at Maddie who was making something on the stove.
"So, why the sudden surprise visit?" I asked, taking another sip of the coffee.
"Maddie thought that you needed to get out of the house." Cassie told me. "And I agreed because we haven't seen much of you for the past couple of weeks." She added and I gave a guilty look.
"Sorry about that. A lot has been going on." I sighed, staring down at the swishing drink in the mug.
"Like what?" Maddie asked from the stove, glancing over her shoulder.

Love me Endlessly
Teen FictionElla Hall moved to New York four years ago. Leaving behind a rocky love life, old friends, and one hell of a senior year. She was ready to start her new life and leave the past behind her, but that didn't really go has plan. You see she happen to ru...