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This chapter is dedicated to monstrouszairah


"How well do you know Nadia?" I questioned Hamzah not caring if I sounded suspicious. From the moment I saw her I couldn't stop thinking about her.

"Umm quite well ,why ,you have a little crush??" He said wriggling his eyebrows. He should know better than that.

"I don't get crushes, people crush on me. look who's talking I saw the way you were flirting with Taliya"

"Nadia doesn't seem like your type though. And you're probably not hers, I mean your gonna have to put effort in with her. Do you think she likes me?" He confessed changing the subject.

"Yea sure. But I'm all the girls type" I said sarcastically "send me her number?"

"Okay whatever" he responded picking up his phone.

I smirked when I heard my phone 'ding' from the notification
"This will be fun" I thought to myself.



I parked my car in a free space in the parking lot of the shopping centre and we all got out.

'Where do you guys wanna go first?" Taliya asked while walking to the elevator.

"I don't know you dragged us out here you choose" Idaya complained dramatically.

"Tal you lead the way all I know is I need a new dress, some jeans and a new mascara" I pressed the button on the elevator to go up.

As soon as we reached the third floor and stepped out my phone 'dinged' I looked at it, by it was an unknown number so I didn't reply "I'll see who it is when I get home" I said making a mental note the joined the girls.

As we walked into a shop that sells really pretty clothes I saw some really cute jeans. "So do y'all like these yay or nay?"

"Chefs kiss, love them might get a pair for myself"

"Omg yea Raheem would love those on you" Taliya giggled "I mean yea they're cute" she blurted when she realised what she had just said.

"Huh what did you say?" I said while they both started laughing. Children.

"Nadia come on we all know he likes you and you like him too don't deny it" Taliya stated

"I do not! I mean he's HOT and all but I don't like him like that, I don't even know him!" I reasoned. Okay, maybe I did have the smallest sliver of a crush on him, but it didn't matter I wasn't going to see him again.

"Oooooh" they teased in unison.


I got home at around 7pm because I had not drop both Taliya and Idaya home. As i walked through the front door I saw my mum and dad sitting in the living room on the sofa having what looked like to be a deep conversation so I didn't want to interrupt.

"Salaams mum and dad" is greeted walking up the stairs.

"Wa alaikum salaam love" My mum replied turning to see me slightly.

"Hope you had a good day"

"Yea I did thanks!" I shouted from the top of the stairs.

I had already started putting all my shopping away, and was just hiding my snacks in my bed side table when I heard my mum calling me to come downstairs.

"Yea! I'm coming!" I said quickly finishing, then running down the stairs to see what was wrong.

I walked into the living room and they were still sitting in the same position as when I left to go upstairs, I sat down on the table facing them.

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