"What the hell are you doing put me down this instant!" She screamed and it echoed throughout the parking lot.
" let me goo!"
"I swear down Raheem if you don't put me down right no-"
He dropped her in the passenger seat locked the door went round to...
I woke up to my alarm buzzing like no tomorrow I wanted to just throw it across the room but that wouldn't be very smart of me. I had to get up and pray Fajr.I got out of bed walked to my bathroom lazily and made wudu with the freezing cold water that was coming out of my tap.
"I wonder if it's coming from the North pole??" I thought to myself as I put on my jilbab for praying.
After I finished praying went to the bathroom to do my skincare routine and brush my teeth and had a shower. When I was done I came out the bathroom to find my mum sitting on the edge of my bed.
"Salaams Nads how was your night" she greeted me enthusiastically.
"Wa alaikum salaam mum, it was alright I could hardly sleep tho" I sighed
"Oh sorry hun I came to tell you that you need to ask your boss if you can have half the day off or like 4 hours"
"Okay will do that inshallah, what time should I be home by tho"
"He home around 1, 1:15 because they are gonna be here by 2 inshallah" she opened my door and left I had to close it because nobody in this house knows how to close a door!
I dried my body then put on on white oversized shirt,black jeans,white air force 1s and a black scarf. I picked up my smallish Louis Vuitton handbag that I got as a gift and stuffed my phone,purse and car keys inside.
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I walked downstairs to find my mum making breakfast and my dad and the twins eating so I went and sat at the table with them.
"I hope I get a C up in maths everything else I have Hope I will do okay in" Nusaybah continued
"Inshallah" my mum said from the kitchen "oh and Nads can you drop the girls on your way today? "
"Sure but I'm leaving I'm like 5 minutes"they quickly ran upstairs to get ready so it was just me mum and dad now.
" Hey buba how you feeling today ,excited? " my dad asked
"I don't know but I'm okay I guess" I said unconvincingly as he pinched my cheeks and tried to eat my cookie crisp cereal.
Just three minutes later they ran down the stairs "We're ready let's go" Iman shouted "I'm sitting in the front said it first ha!" Nusaybah blurted making us all laugh.
"Okay okay salaams mum, dad" I said going out the door and the twins followed.We got in my car and all put out seatbelts on.
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