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"You guys!" I called waking them both from their slumber. It's pretty late but I don't care I need to let this out now and I'm sure when they hear this they wont care either. "Wake the fuck up!"

Is that selfish?


They both shot up from the bed and Idaya switched on the bed side lamp "Nadia? Wha-what's wrong?"

"Are you okay?, What happened" Taliya asks rubbing away the sleep from her eyes and adjusting to the light.

"Yea I'm fine," I jump onto the foot of the bed making my eyes was between them "In fact, I'm splendid" I beam taking off my hijab and throwing it onto the other bed, before I pull my hair out of the low bun it was in.

The two of the share a glance then glare back at me "If you're so splendid why the hell did you wake u-" Taliya hisses

"Oh. My. God. You did not!" Idaya cuts taliya off her eyes now wide in shock.

"Wait slow down, it's almost one A.M my brain doesn't work that fast at these hours." Taliya says we all go quite for a split second before she gasps "You did not".

I bite down on my bottom lip blushing at the same time at their reaction and realisation. They know me too well.

"Look at you all flustered and shit. Go on, spill the deets"

"Okay, okay" I grin all giddy. "so basically I had no idea where we were going, especially after he told me to put this blindfold on..." I start from the beginning. Every time I'd speak one of the two or both would stop me, to either scold, laugh or just end up saying something completely off topic but we'd always end up back on track.

By the end they were both at a loss for words but over the moon for me as well, and only now was it dawning on me, what was actually happening... What I had agreed to do.

Was I high?


Maybe I was drugged...

Don't be stupid Nadia.

It doesn't matter now, I said what I said and it was true, I want this. I might have just realised it but the feeling inside me when I am around him was always there I can't just keep ignoring it, that wouldn't have done anyone any good.

"EEK, I get to make a Pinterest mood board for you now" Taliya rejoiced grabbing her phone from the side table, clearly not tired anymore.

"You might be getting a little ahead of yourself Tal, we aren't exactly... Official" I note, playfully rolling my eyes at her.

"It's just a matter of time" Idaya winked before laying back down into the pillows. It's now around two in the morning almost three, I had changed out of the dress and had a shower about an hour ago and now we're exhausted we do in fact have a flight later today so we decided to finally get some rest.


We were packing our bags and chitchating placing them next to the door so we were all set to leave when the time came. Our flight was in about three and a half hours so we had time to spare.

My phone started to ring, I got up from my sitting position and picked it up of the nightstand to answer it. "Are you busy right now?" Raheem asked hurriedly

"Uh, hello to you to" I said jokingly

"Right sorry. Are you?"

"Umm" I looked around the room at the few bags left "kind of But I'm almost done, why?"

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