"What the hell are you doing put me down this instant!" She screamed and it echoed throughout the parking lot.
" let me goo!"
"I swear down Raheem if you don't put me down right no-"
He dropped her in the passenger seat locked the door went round to...
When I saw that she agreed to my deal I was over the moon now I have to think of a plan on how to get her to fall in love with me because it seems like my looks just aren't cutting it.
I decided to text hamzah because he knows her well I'm sure he has a clue to what she likes and doesn't like.
ME 3:15 Yo give me the details on Nadia what does she like and not like and don't ask any questions
Ham 3:20 Umm okay... she likes chocolate but not dark chocolate or with coconut or orange, desserts, she likes food,rabbits Idk bro the last time I saw her she was like 13 she probably likes different shit now
Me 3:21 Alright thanks bro this should do.
Ham 3:21 Your welcome man I wanted to ask if you could try get Nadia to tell you if Taliya likes me
Me 3:22 Okay will do
What to do what to do....
I woke up today remembering what happened yesterday and last night and I can't believe I agreed to do this.
I had my shower and got ready for work. I put on knee length top and some denim jeans with a nude hijab and did my everyday makeup.
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I went downstairs and found everyone eating breakfast but I didn't have time to sit and chat today so I said my salaams got my shoes and left.
When I parked my car I remembered that I'm most likely going to see Malik and Raheem and I didn't like that so going to my office I tried to hide my face as much as possible that was working until is saw HIM waiting in my office.
" Wha- " I was about to talk but he cut me off
"Before you say anything I just wanted to give you these and I will be on my way" Malik said placing the beautiful box of flowers and chocolate on my desk.
"They are gorgeous Malik thank you how did you know I love Ferrero Rocher's " I gushed now visibly blushing.
" I have my ways and your welcome " he winked at me and walked away smiling . ~~~~~
I was doing some paperwork and was called to Mr Hassan's office I had a gut feeling that I knew what this was gonna be about but I went anyway.
Now outside his office door I knock and hear a familiar deep voice say "come in" so I opened the door to find Raheem sitting at his desk looking at paper's. Hearing the sound of the door closing he glances up at me and gestures for me to sit down.