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I was obviously winning with Hamzah not too far behind and Raheem was right at the bottom under Taliya, and she was on crutches.

Embarrassing, If you ask me.

"Nads, are you still pissed?" Idaya asked as she came back from her turn, hitting almost half the pins down.

"Yes." I crossed my arms like a child " You all need to apologise"

"That ring is amazing by the way" Taliya said

"I know right! It's so pretty, and it has a lil backstory" I said smiling as she sat down.

"I thought you were still pissed"

"I am, shut up. Basically, the last day we were in Paris we went shopping for his sister and I saw and fell in love with this exact ring. Keep in mind he wasn't even in the shop at that point, because when he came in I put it down and didn't say anything about it" The two of them laughed.

"Classic Nadia"

"Anyway, fast forward a few days he gives it to me saying that he went back to France and practically bribed it off someone that had already bought it"

"As he should" Taliya giggled twisting and turning my hand in the lighting. "It really is gorgeous though, I'm sure even more so in better lighting"

"Trust me it is" I was still shocked every time I'd wake up in the morning and see it on my hand.

"I can't believe our Nads is getting married!" Idaya exclaimed and engulfed me in a hug that Taliya joined in on.

Neither can I.

"It all happened so fast I don't even think I've processed it, oh and we haven't even told his family yet"

"I'm surprised the media hasn't found out, y'know seeing as he gave it to you in such a public place"

"Yeah, me too, I think he-" I nodded over to where Raheem and Hamzah were stood taking our turns and talking "did something, I was scared the both of you were going to find out that way and hate me for not telling you sooner"

"Smart because that would have been bad," Taliya said honestly "but we could never hate you Nads"

"Yea, we love you, and I for one, am over the moon happy for you" Idaya smiled lovingly.

"I couldn't be happier for you, you've found your man, one that definitely loves you even if he hasn't said it yet. We've all seen the way he looks at you like you're the only one in the room and every now and then glances over to check if you're okay. If you ask me you've hit the jackpot"

We all giggled. One thing I couldn't live without was Taliya's humour, she always knew how to make us laugh even in the worst of situations. "You're going to make me cry, stop"

"See?" She was right, the three of us looked over at him discreetly and he was in fact glancing over at me. "Oh, and I know you're kids are gonna be cute as fuck, I mean, have you seen that man he's-"

"Okay! actually stop now." I awkwardly laughed "I love both of you so much, you're the bestest friends I could've ever asked for" I expressed hugging the both of them.


"Bestest isn't a real word nads" I looked up to see both hamzah and Raheem standing over us making me roll my eyes.

"Says the one that used it up until high school. And who told you that Ham? Oh yea me." I retorted with a fake smile.

"What's with the violence? Geez"

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