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I just wanted to say that this chapter has some themes...? That I'm not used to writing so I hope you guys can bare with me and give me feedback at the end that would be great.

Okay enjoy❤


I woke up to the the sound of my alarm for Fajr a bit grumpy but got out of bed and prayed anyway. After praying and reading a bit of Qur'an I decided to give in and do a Spanish lesson instead of going back to bed.

That owl just won't give up!

I was only halfway through the lesson when Raheem called, I wasn't really in the mood to talk - to anyone - but answered regardless, he would probably show up at my door if I didn't. "Hello?'

"Hi, why are you calling so early in the morning Raheem?"

"Look who woke up on the wrong side of the bed" he chuckled and I decided against giving him the satisfaction of a reply "What's the matter Nadia?" He asked jokingly but the worry in his tone evident.

I dont know if it's just me or if this happens to everyone but if I'm sad or in a bad mood and someone's asks me what's wrong or if I'm okay... I breakdown and all the emotions flood out. And that's exactly what happened.


"Nothing...I-I'm fine" my voice broke and I wanted to punch myself for being so emotional. I hate being vulnerable in front of anyone and I've realised that's all I am around Raheem.

"I'll come over right now if you don't tell me Nadia" He insisted and I could have sworn I heard noises in the background.

"Its seven in the morning Raheem, that will not be necessary" he didn't say anything else, more of less telling me to spit it out "Ugh fine"

"My mum and I were umm talking yesterday...and it got a bit heated. She wants me to hurry up and make a decision and stop wasting the man's time because for some reason she thinks I'm going to say no at the end of the month so I should just get it over and done with now. We never argue or fight so it was a lot but it wasn't even that deep I don't know why I'm overreacting like this" I rambled not even realising. I just needed to let it all out.

I hadn't even realised that I was holding that all in. My mum and I never argue so to some people this might look like I'm exaggerating but it's very much valid.

"I can't say that I get what you're feeling love, but I'm sure your mum loves you. Don't worry about it just apologise and everything will be fine"

"But I didn-"

"Even if you didn't do anything wrong love"


"Good girl" Ew.

"What did you want to ask or tell me?"

"That I'll pick you up at nine-thirty" I heard a muffled noises in the background again like someone in pain almost, maybe he was in the gym or something.

"Okay" That gives me more than enough time to eat something before I get ready.

"Are you?"

"Am I what?"

"Going to say no?"

"Yes, no!, I don't know..." I rambled. This whole situation is really taking its toll on me and it just keeps getting more and more confusing.

"HEL- argh!" someone screamed then it went quiet.

"What was that?" I asked a bit concerned for that person, sounded like they were in a lot of pain...

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