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"Nadia , Nadia!! wake your ass up you're gonna be late for work" my mum Stormed into my room and shouted as i quickly jumped out of bed and checked the time on my phone with wide eyes

Still half asleep I walked to my bathroom and had a nice hot shower. When I came out the shower I picked out a pair of plaid trousers, a cropped burnt orange cardigan, a white turtle neck and some black converse and got ready for the day ahead. I put my shoes on and wrapped my nude jersey scarf around my head then ran down the stairs.

I was already running late so I couldn't sit down for breakfast, so after I said 'bye' I hopped in my car and started the engine.

"Lemme treat myself and get some Starbucks" I thought to myself while driving my black Mercedes out of the garage.

I got to work and sighed with relief because my Boss, the owner of the company wasn't there yet. His name was Omar Hassan he is a kind hearted man and everyone likes him. Mr Hassan as we call him was getting old and one of my fellow co-workers had said that he was thinking of retiring.

As I was walking to my office space I saw the manager, his name is Malik he has short light brown hair almost blond, light blue eyes and he is very funny and was always making jokes with and about me.

"Hey! Salaam Nadia how are you today"

"Wa alaikum salaam good how are you"

"you look good today"

"So your saying I don't look good everyday" is said raising a brow.

" no you look great everyda- I mean nevermind bye" he mumbled and started walking away

"Weirdo I" I whispered under my breath.

I sat down at my desk with my coffee in hand and checked what was on the schedule today. I smiled when I realised there wasn't much to do then sat back in my chair and drank my coffee.


I was in the lift going to the third floor when Lisa jumped in. Lisa was in her mid twenties I was in my earlies. She has shoulder length blond hair, blue eyes and was just about two inches taller than me but always wore heels so she looks much taller.

"Heyy" I said to her with a small smile on my face.

"Oh hi Nadia I've got some tea to spill" she said while smirking. Lisa was the personification of a tea page on youtube. She knew about all the drama and gossip going on.

"You don't waste any time do you" I said jokingly.

"Nope. You know this so why are you asking" she said in a joking manner then we both started laughing.

"I heard that Mr Hassan is planning on retiring soon"

"Oh my really?" She could hear the fake shock in my voice.
Mr Hassan was in his late sixties but he didn't act like it he has a full head of grey hair, has kind dark brown eyes , is kinda short and is very humble considering the amount of money he has.

"That's not all apparently his son Raheem is gonna be taking over as CEO!" Now she was blatantly showing how excited she was about the new gossip. Usually she seemed a bit more nonchalant.

Our conversation was cut short by the ding of the elevator, when we walked out into the breakroom we could visibly see that the word had spread that Mr Hassan was leaving. I could see some peoples faces looked sad and I could understand why because Mr Hassan is genuinely a really fun and joyful man and was always nice to all of us.

Lisa and I made our way to the table that most of the women at the office were sitting at and sat down and listened in on their conversation. Obviously they were having a debate about who the new CEO was gonna be. Lisa decided to just go ahead and tell them that it would be Raheem, Mr Hassan's son. Surprisingly they all knew who he is except me. I really didn't understand the hype...



I woke up to the sun shining bright rays of light in my face through the cracks in my curtains I already didn't like the way the day had begun. With a sign I got out of my king sized bed with black silly pillows and sheets and lazily dragged myself to my bathroom.
I woke up to the bright sun shining  rays into my eyes through a gap in my curtains. I rolled over to avoid my wake up call but was met with another task I preferred to avoid.

I groaned into the black silk pillow I had my head on and got out of the sheets slowly and quietly making sure not to wake up the sleeping girl who I couldn't even remembers name.

It was my first day as CEO of my dad's company....or shall I say my company and I was definitely ready not for it. I had been waiting for this day for years now and it was finally a reality but I was currently a mess.

I walked out of my bathroom after a shower into my closet and put on my new suit, a white shirt under and black shoes that had just gotten polished. Pulling open the draw with all the watches I own, I picked out the black Rolex that was sitting at the front. Making sure to lock the closet door I was out.


For breakfast the chef had made scrambled eggs with pancakes and some fruit. The eggs were a bit flavourless but everything else was decent, he was new so I'd cut him some slack.

Just as i was walking out, the maid ran up to me to hand me a phone "it' your father sir". She said covering the speaker.

"Thank you. Now shoo" I whispered to her taking the phone and putting it to my ear and with that she was off

"As salamu alaikm son" He greeted me. Way too choose for this time of the day.

"Wa alaikum salam dad, what do you want?" My face visibly showing how not in the mood I was. The events of the past forty-eight hours were a complete blur, but giving me a migraine.

I heared him sigh then he said "I'm just calling to tell you to have a good day and please be nice to all the employees and they just might be nice to you"

"Saranno gentili con me in entrambi i casi dad, perché non vogliono essere licenziati. Arrivederci. (They are going to be nice to me either way dad because they don't want to be fired. Bye)" I hung up and put the phone on the table next to the door then left for the day.


I had gotten home from work a while ago and was now laying on my bed watching Game of thrones when I heard my phone ding from a notification. I picked up the phone and a smile appeared on my face because it is one of my best friends Taliya in our group chat. I opened my phone to see what she was saying..

Tal😍~ do you guys wanna go shopping tomorrow because your girl over here has no clothes

Daya✨~ Sisss stop lying you have more clothes than me and Nads put together😅

Me~ Exactly Chile anyways😶

Tal😍~ okay that's true I have a lot of clothes but I don't have outfits😜

Me~ but yea sure I am free so i can make daya wbu???

Daya✨~ yea I can come, where do you wanna meet and what time?

Me~ how about Pret, and maybe around 12?

Tal😍~ sure okay

Daya✨~ okay then we can get brunch too🍩☕

Those girls are something else and with that I switched off my phone and fell asleep.

Hey babbeesss!!! I hope you like this first chapter and let me know what you would like to see in the coming chapters


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