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The night before I told Raheem that I didn't think I was ready to sleep in the same bed just
yet and he was more than understanding which I was thankful for.

I woke up at mid day, surprised about the time then went to look for my new spouse, to confront him about not waking me up. I searched the whole villa and nothing only the staff.

An sweet elderly woman named Fatima found me, she was the head housekeeper and she informed me that he had left about thirty minutes ago and would be back soon.

He left me.

But the weather in Dubai was beautiful, the wind was blowing and the sun was at its peak in the sky so naturally I figured it'd be nice to sit by the pool and read after finding out I was alone.

I walked back to my room and sat on the bed pulling one of my suitcases with pool clothes, closer. Unzipping it and pushing the top off my face dropped seeing a pretty little note laying on the inside.

Of course, those sly little bitches

I opened the note and it read: have fun, love you're bestie's with a smiley face and a winking face. I rolled my eyes then placed the note on my bed before rummaging through the contents of the bag. Most of what I packed was gone and replace with bikinis that were way out of my comfort zone.

Thankfully I found some one piece bathing suit's. They weren't completely evil after all. I decided to go with a red one and paired it with a pair of white denim shorts and a cap, tying my hair into a low messy bun.

I didn't really put much effort into my appearance even though this would be the first time Raheem would see me without my hijab

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I didn't really put much effort into my appearance even though this would be the first time Raheem would see me without my hijab. I didn't care, in fact in the moment I wasn't even thinking about him. I packed my phone, current read, sunglasses and sunscreen into my beach bag then found my way to the pool.


"I see you've made yourself comfortable" I heard Raheem say out of nowhere before diving into the pool. He must have just got back. I closed my book and pushed up onto my elbows to glare at him.

I waited for a few seconds for him to come back to the surface and when he didn't I started to get worried. "Raheem?" No answer "Raheem?" No answer.

My heart dropped to the lowest part of my stomach and I rushed over to the side of the pool and fell to the floor calling out his name then he finally broke through the surface with a stupid grin on his face "Mother, fucker! I hate you" I splashed water in his face.

"Oh really?" He asked slyly and before I knew it, I was splashing into the water with a scream. The water was warm as I sank to the bottom then pushed back up to get air.

"Yes really. Even more now" I looked down at myself with a huff then swam over the the more shallow side. Even that was a bit deep, the water came all the way up to my chin if I stood on my feet.

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