"What the hell are you doing put me down this instant!" She screamed and it echoed throughout the parking lot.
" let me goo!"
"I swear down Raheem if you don't put me down right no-"
He dropped her in the passenger seat locked the door went round to...
The drive to Nando's was awkwardly quiet but every now and then he would glance over at me but I never looked at him. I didn't look at him once throughout the whole ride. After what felt like forever we arrived. I went to open the car door but it was still locked.
"Raheem unlock the door then, what are you waiting for" I shouted at him. He sighed looked at me then unlocked it. I could sense that I was testing his patience and I wasn't going to stop.
I got out of the car and started walking to the door and he just walked behind me and didn't dare say a word. He got us a booth at the far back in the corner and we sat facing each other.
"What would you like today?" the waitress asked the two of us. She had beautiful long ginger/red hair and dark brown eyes with long black eyelashes.
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I looked over at Raheem and he was starting at her in awe. They started flirting with each other so I cleared my throat so I could order my food he looked over at me then said "Oh yea rose order as much as you like, I'll have whatever she's having"
"I was gonna do that anyway" I kissed my teeth and proceeded to order half the menu.
"Never mind me, we will share that's all thanks" the waitress nodded then walked away.
"So ro-"
"Don't talk to me right now I'm honestly not in the mood"I cut him of abruptly.
"Nadia cut the shit and just talk to me"
"What do you want me to say! Oh I know let's talk about how you were just flirting with the first woman you set your eyes on...."
"Or maybe the fact that you literally brought me here against my will which one do you wanna talk about first huh!?"
"I wasn't flirting with her rose we were just conversing and I didn't know you were the jealous type"
"I can't even with you Raheem"
We both sat there and didn't say anything until he decided to open his mouth and talk " ugh I'm sorry rose if you want I won't talk to another woman for the rest of the month except you"
"Yea right like that's even possible' stop making promises you can't keep but apologie accepted"
"Thank you, I can and will keep it" he said and I couldn't help but start blushing so I looked down to hide my face.
"Now that your talking again are you going to accept the promotion?"
"I'm still not happy with you but... fine I'll do it but after the month I want my old job back"
"Okay great you can start tomorrow but rose at the end of the month you won't want it back" he added which a small smirk on his face.
"If you say so" "Why are you doing all this anyway?"
"Because I like you the way your not afraid to speak your mind I like the way you carry yourself I like your laugh I love how you dress I like you rose and I'm not going to stop until you say you feel the same way" I could feel my whole body burning up especially my face and I didn't know what to say to his confession.
"I don't know what to say..."
"And I like the way you blush every time I look into your eyes or compliment you. You don't have to say anything I just wanted you to know that"
Just as he finished talking the food came out and it smelled and looked delicious I couldn't wait to dig in. I looked up from the food at Raheem, he was just starting at me and my cheeks started to redden again and he chuckled.
"I don't know why you are looking at my food like your going to get any, nobody told you not to order anything" I said jokingly but with a serious look on my face and started eating.
"But I figured you wouldn't be able to finish it all so I didn't bother"
"Fine,fine you can have some but stop looking at me like that it's weird and annoying"
"I thought you were going make me sit here and watch you eat alone". "I can't help it your so beautiful "
"I should have you know, now that I think about it"
"I should have you know now that I think about it" she said with a smile that was contagious.
She wanted me to stop starting at her but that wasn't possible, if she was in my position she would understand. She even looks cute when she's eating.
We sat there and spoke for an hour and a half before she said that she had to get home I called the waitress over to our table to ask for the bill and Nadia just stared at me with a stern look that i could see from the corner of my eye. The waitress then went to get the bill.
"What's wrong now why are you starting at me like that" I asked
"What happened to you not talking to another woman for the rest of the month" she replied with one eyebrow raised and her arms crossed.
"Oh yes umm okay starting now" I said remembering my promise from earlier.
The waitress came back with the bill so I gave her the money.
"Rose please tell her I said thank you and the food was great" I said turning to Nadia and back to the waitress. She gave me a confused look and then Nadia thanked her for the meal then she walked away.
Nadia broke out laughing and I couldn't help but join her. Now people were starting to stare so we got up and made our way out.
I opened the passengers seat door for her to get in and she did without a fuss. Wow I guess there is a first time for everything.
Heyyy Babeess ✨✨
How are you all? I hope everything is all good. Umm I actually really enjoyed writing this chapter there were a few bumps but I really like the way it came out I hope you guys did too! Let me know down in the comments.
I was thinking of starting another book but I don't know what it should be about I would love if you guys gave me some suggestions on what you wanna read😊 let me know.
Here is the meme of the day
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