"What the hell are you doing put me down this instant!" She screamed and it echoed throughout the parking lot.
" let me goo!"
"I swear down Raheem if you don't put me down right no-"
He dropped her in the passenger seat locked the door went round to...
I woke up to the dreadful sound of my alarm that I set,and jumped out of bed I was surprisingly excited and full of energy for someone that had just woken up at 4am. I looked at my bed and only saw Taliya sleeping, which mad sense Idaya was very punctual she hated being late for anything and Taliya was the complete opposite she was late for almost everything.
Knowing Idaya she was probably almost ready to go, that was good because we only had one hour to get ready and Taliya takes forever in the bathroom.
"Taliya, Taliya wake up you need to get ready it's already 4 and the car is gonna be here by 5!!" I whisper-shouted while shaking her shoulder.
"Huh...okay okay I'm up, what time is it??" She mumbled still half asleep. Idaya walked out the bathroom in a towel and flip flops, I guess it's my turn to go in.
" Salaams, please make sure she's awake by the time I come out thank you" I said giving her a quick smile and walking into the bathroom.
I got out of the shower feeling so good, I just had a feeling today would be a good day. I opened the door and all the steam that was trapped inside dispersed into my leaving it feeling warm and cozy. Idaya was sitting at my desk doing her makeup and and Taliya was up 'thank god' picking out what she was going to wear.
We had all decided the night before that we'd wear similar outfits. All of us are wearing a comfy sweat set and some kind of coat on top because it's cold here in London and in Paris apparently.
"What time is it now?" I asked
"It's 4:15" Taliya replied then looled at me "took your time didn't ya"
"Let's see how long you're in there for..."
She got up and walked into the bathroom stopping at the door "I'll be less than 10 minutes you can even time me..."
"Sure you will" Idaya said sarcastically then Taliya kissed her teeth and closed the door.
Idaya was wearing a light grey sweat set, chunky white and grey trainers, a black side bag that had chain attached, a black jersey hijab and a dark grey coat to go over but she hadn't put her shoes, bag or coat on yet because neither me or taliya were ready and the car wasn't here...
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I walked over to my closet and pulled out my outfit that I hung up. It was a greyish-pink sweat set,a very light pink coat, a dark grey bag, chunky pink and grey trainers and a light black hijab.
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