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Two days had passed and I hadn't heard a single word from Raheem. No good Morning text, good night call or random message during the day. Nothing. It was weird and unlike him but I just figured he was super busy. Although at one point of Sunday night I spiralled and thought I did or said something wrong, and he wasn't talking to me because he was regretting his choices.


I hated that I was thinking like a teenage girl with a stupid highschool crush, and him being all that I could think about didn't make the situation any better.

I woke up to my last alarm, made wudu and prayed fajr then subconsciously got ready for work. Thinking about what he'd say if I saw him, or if I should just ignore him.

", on your way to work" Nusaybah said poking her head into my room "Nadia?, are you even listening?"

"Huh? What did you say?"

"Ummi said hurry so you can drop us to school on-" she repeated

"Yea, okay I'm coming, put your shoes on" I cut her off, tying my hijab for the fifth time. I could already tell it was going to be one of them days.

I transferred all my things into another bag that matched my outfit quickly because I was already running late, then jogged down the stairs. "Come then let's go. mum dad, salaams we're going" I shouted not realising they were in the kitchen "Oh, hey, yea we're going now"

"Okay, salaams"


I got to work as early as I could, and got the usual glares I was starting to get used to on my way up. I didn't want anyone to think I was privileged because they assumed I was Raheems so called 'girlfriend' -I wasn't- so I got straight to work straight away,, without even checking if he was there or not.

After half an hour I was starting to regret not getting breakfast on the way. My stomach was practically shouting at me, but I couldn't leave and there is only so much coffee I could have in a row.

The table phone started ringing. Now was not the best time for me to talk to him. When I'm Hangry isn't a good time for me to talk to anyone. I picked it up, praying it wasn't him and that it was the front desk. "Nadia?"


"Fuck" I mumbled on accident closing my eyes, which he unfortunately heard.

"Come here" was all he said before putting the phone down. Even worse I had somehow made him angry. What an amazing start to my day.

I slowly got up and made my way to his door, hesitantly I knocked and waited -not even a second- for him to say I could come in. "Yes?" I asked, not fully in the office, staying at the door.

Hostility it is then

He looked up at me from his work, mirroring my hostile behaviour."What do you mean 'yes?' Come in and sit down." I closed the door and leaned against it. He glared at me for a minute before deciding to continue "How long have you been here?"

I glanced at the clock to the side of me then back to him and laughed to myself. "About half an hour, why?"

He chuckled dryly "Is this some kind of game?, because if it is I'm not playing Nadia."

"Why would I want to play with you Raheem? I'm not a five year old." I said without even thinking. All of this because he didn't send me a good morning text? I'm way to attached.

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