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Five months later (There is going to be another time jump...sorry xx)

Five months flew by like a week. After Raheem and I came back from New York so many things were different. One of the things being the news about us was public knowledge -thanks to the paparazzi- so it was harder to leave the house. I had to keep a low profile or else I would get noticed and probably have a panic attack from being bombarded with cameras and people's questions.

Even with the help of Vanessa -being back and forth between New York and London- I was busy almost every day, but I was grateful because the stress was much more bearable.

However there were good things that happened, like the engagement 'party'. It was more of a get together of close family and friends. For the most part it was the first time many of them were meeting. I was so happy when I saw both families getting along with each other. I had actually prayed that, that would happen.

Alhamdulillah most of the important decisions had been finalised. All the invitations had been sent out, the venue was booked so was the mosque and the cake was ordered.

We had even found an amazing house that I fell in love with before I stepped inside. Unfortunately it needed a shit ton of renovating so we wouldn't be able to move in straight away, so I gave in and agreed to living in Raheem's bachelor pad 'penthouse' until it was habitable.

The only major things that needed finalising were, dresses, most importantly mine. It was proving to be extremely hard to find myself The Dress, but after giving up several times and just wanting to cancel the whole thing I was willing to try again.


"Nadia, you have to try on this one!" Taliya shouted from halfway across the boutique. I ended up taking way more people than I initially planned -Taliya, Idaya, Sarah, Malia, Amalie, my mum and Camilla- but it helped because there was more constructive criticism. Sadly the twins couldn't come because of school but they were going to help with other preparations.

"Okay you have one more pick, hurry up!" I yelled back at her. I told them all -except Amilie she picked out a few that would suit me- to choose a dress each for me to try on, but obviously Taliya was extra so I let her choose two. We had the whole store to ourselves, -thanks to a certain someone- so we had full range and could be as loud as we wanted. I was sure the staff didn't like us very much.

Five minutes later and she was the only one still searching so I decided to just leave her to it and start trying the ones I had, on.

We started on a good note. They helped me into a simple classic plain white, A-line dress. It had a very low back and huge bow that sat just above my bum.

When I walked into the showing room and stood up on the pedestal there was an uproar of 'oohs' and 'wows' signifying they all liked it. "Who chose this one?" I asked looking at them through the tall floor to ceiling mirrors.

"That would be me" Sarah stated, a big grin plastered on her face.

"I like the simpleness of it, and I absolutely love the bow..."

"But?" Idaya asked. She knew me too well.

"But the back," I gestured to my exposed back "it's way too low and I didn't really get that feeling. y'know?"

"Oh wow I love that!" Taliya exclaimed finally deciding to join the group.

"I chose it!" Sarah said and raised her hand "but she doesn't think it's the one"

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