Chapter 5

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Narrator: It's now Thursday and 4 boys were very excited for school to be over with and for football tryouts. Zayn, Harry, Luke, and Liam were all up early and couldn't wait till 8:15 came so school could start. All the boys and their sisters were at school by 7:50, well everyone except for the Malik's. As the two siblings rushed around for their stuff they ran into each other causing shoes/cleats, shirts, and pants to go every which way adn making them fall on the ground. They laughed for a minuet and then got up gathering their stuff. At 8:05 they finally made it to school and raced down the hallway to the locker rooms by jumping over people knelt down getting  papers or books they dropped, dodging others, and trying not to trip each other. They got there and shoved their bags into their assigned lockers and darted to their own lockers. Abby got at her locker after Kaylee, Destiny, and Maddie had stopped her from falling into it and then she quickly put in the combination and grabbed her stuff. Julie grabbed her shoulders and shook her.

"Calm Down!!" She said.

Abby laughed and talked to the girls for a few minuets before heading to first with Haley.

*Skipping to Tryouts/Practice*

The girls of the volleyball team were setting up the net as the guys were putting on their padding and grabbing their helments. Zayn met Abby behind the gym and exchanged some words. (Don't worry they weren't mean words.) Soon after Abby kissed his cheek and he ran off to the feild carrying his helment. 


little did they know a certain brown haired, tattooed guy saw them and didn't hesitate to tell Liam and Luke.

X Harry's P.O.V X

I went to the locker room looking for Malik but I couldn't find him anywhere. I looked around the back of the gym and saw a short brunette in a Nike tank top and spandex shorts with knee pads on kissing his cheek. I took a step back and darted to the feild to tell Luke and Liam.

"G-Guys...Guess what...Z-Zayn...a girl...kissed...cheek..." I say panting from nearly sprinting over to them.

"Ok so you found Zayn?" Luke ased.

I nodded.

"And a girl was with him?" Liam asked.

I, again, nodded.

"And he was kissing her cheek?" Luke asked.

"No, she was kissing his cheek." I corrected after I caught my breath.

"Ok well let's focus on tryouts and ask him after." Liam said.

Luke and I nodded in agreement.

*After tryouts*

Me and the lads started taking off our jerseys, pads, and helments. We carried them into the locker room and decided to talk to Zayn.

"Hey mate?" I say to him.

"Yeah Haz?" Zayn answered.

" Who was the brunette kissing your cheek?" Luke questioned causing Zayn to sigh.

"You saw shorty huh?" he soon asked us.

"Well, Harry did. Is she your girlfriend??" Liam asked.

"Ewwwww!! Never!!" He said like it was the worst thing ever.

"You didn't seem to mind her kissing your cheek." I said smirking a bit.

"Cause she's my sister stupid." He said cooly.

"I thought you only had 2!!" Luek exclaimed.

"You guys never got to meet her. She was always off at summer camps, wasn't home, or was in her room with Safaa." 

"Well can we get to know here and let the other lads meet her?"

"Sure why not. Come over at 5." Zyan said grabbing his bag and walking out of the locker room.

Narrator: All the boys and girls and went home. It was 4:15 and some how all the boys ended up taking their sisters with them to Zayn's house.

X Zayn's PO.V X

Me and Abby were cleaning while dancing and singing along to the radio. The door bell rung and I answered it to Haz, Luke, and Li with a girl each. They all came in and Abby saw them and ran over to the girls and hugged them. I was confused and so where the girls soon after everyone showed up.

All the boys sat on one couch while Abby sat with the girls on the other couch and lets just say the girls aren't looking so happy or pleased with the situation. Turns out the girls that came with them are their sisters.

"So you lied to me huh Ni?" One of them said.

"Julie I-" Ni started.

"No. You lied don't talk to me." Julie said with venom dripping from her words.

"Wait did all of them lie to you?" Abbs asked.

The girls nodded.

"And Harr and Liam yelled at y'all right Maddie and Kaylee?" She asked again.

Maddie and Kaylee's heads dropped slightly and one of them stood up clutching their hands into fists.

"SO YOU LIED ME!!!!" She yelled getting in Liam's face.

"Maddie I-" Li tried to finish btu couldn't"


"I just wanted-" He again tried to say.


His head dropped and all the girls followed Abby up to one of the guest rooms we had I guess they're staying tonight too. Glad mom doesn't mind. I turned my head to the boys.

"Mates.." I said.

They all looked at me and looked terrible having red puffy eyes and streaks of tears down their cheeks.

"Look go home, get some rest, and let my sister tlak to them. Trust me. She'll fix this." I said trying to mke them feel better.

Yeah, they did lie to their sisters, but they wanted to protect them from each other.

They all nodded, stood up, and gave me a hug each leaving to go home. I shut the front door and turned around only to be engulfed into a tight hug. I looked down and saw abby hugging me so i hugged back. I heard her sniffle and felt my shirt getting wet.

"Are they ok?" I asked her.

"They're mad and hurt Zayn....I don't like seeing them like that....It hurts to know to know i'm the only one who knew the truth..." She whispered out sniffling.

"Hey hey look we'll fix this together dont worry ok?" I said rubbing her back and kissing her head.

"Zayn.." She whispered out again.

"Yeah Abbs?"

"Thanks for not lying to me."

I hugged her tighter. She never wants to see the people she cares about sad or depressed and now, her 5 bestfriends are in tears because of their brothers, their protectors, lied to them and two were yelled at. After a few minuets she went back to the girls. Man. She's gonna be up all night thinking about how to fix this.

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