Chapter 12

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Narrator: It's now the last Tuesday in September and the boys had a football game.

X Ashton's P.O.V X

"Should I mate? I mean she's really pretty but...what if she doesnt like me?" I told Calum.

"Pssshhhh come on mate just walk up to her and ask her out." Cal replied.

I nodded and then started walking over to her then turned around.

"What do I say?" i asked him desperately.

"Uhm...Hey we've got to know each other over the past month or so adn i think you're really pretty, cute, funny, and adorable. Wanna go out?" He said like it was nothing.

"It's not that easy."

"Yes it is."

"Ok. If I ask out Destiny you have to ask out Kaylee."

"Fine but hurry up the game's about to start." Cal said walking to the locker room to talk to Harry, Liam, Zayn, and Luke before the game.

I took a big breath and walked over to Destiny.

"Hey." I said.

"Hi." she said back smiling.

''S-So i wan thinking...that...uhm...uh..." I said scratching the back of my neck. "Would you like to go out with me?"

"Is this a dare?" She asked.

My head snapped up and i looked at her with a confused expression.

"Why do you think that?"

"Not a lot of guys like me.." She said.

"Cause they're stupid. They don't see the funny, smart, beautiful girl that they could've asked out. It's Their lost for not seeing that." I stated.

She blushed and looked down. I put my thumb under her chin and lifted her head up. I leaned in and kissed her. She kissed and I smiled into the kiss. A few seconds later i heard whistling. I pulled away and saw Harry, Liam, Cal, Luke, and Zayn. Destiny quickly hid her blushing face into the side of my shirt.I wrapped adn arm around her.

"Really Douche bags? Really?" I said.

"But Ash it was so adorable.'' Liam said then laughed.

Some slapped him on the bak of the head and he glared at the person.

"Don't act like you don't have b**ches waiting on you every time you go home steriods." Abby said walking out from behind Zayn.

"You could be one of them you know." He said smirking.

"Awwwww cute you actually think i like you. Man you really are dumber than a rock." 

Harry, Luke, and I laughed at him as Zayn high fived Abby. Liam walked back to the locker room and soon after everyone else did too.

"Soooooo..Is that a yes?" I said looking at Destiny.

"No." she said.

I unrwapped my arm from around her and stepped away.

"Oh ok.." 

She chuckle and shoved me.

"Of course it's a yes dummy!"

I smiled and kissed her cheek and we both walked out to the stands hand-in-hand.

Narrator: The Hawks won again and after the game all the teens went to the Payne house to spend the night. All the boys sat in Liam's room taking turns playing Madden 25 and the girls were in his room too just talking.

"Gosh Quit tackling me Zayn!" Luke yelled.

"Hold left trigger to run faster Hemmings!!" Abby yelled at Luke.

"Ooooh..." was all the teen said as most if the teens laughed.

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