Chapter 7

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Narrator: At 8:00 all the teens met up at the movie theater to see the movie. All the boys bought the girls' sodas and popcorns along with theirs. All the girls sat in a row in front of the row that all the guys sat in. Julie and Haley wen to use the bathroom before the movie, Destiny and Kaylee were talking about weird stuff that happened at school, and Maddie and Abby were fangirling over Kevin Hart. In the row above them, Liam and Lou were talking about sports with Harry and Luke, Mikey, Ashton and Niall were talking about all the desprate hoes, as they call them, that hit on them today, and poor Zayn just sat there playing  Flappy Bird. Abby noticed her brother bored and on his phone and got up to walk over to him.

X Mikey's P.O.V X

We were all laughing and I saw one of the girls get up an walk up to Zayn. She took his phone and sat on his lap. It was Abby. We just continued to talk until we heard a loud slap.

"OOOOOOHHHHHH!!!!!" Harry and Luke yelled in unison.

"What happened?" I asked.

I saw Maddie high-five Abby. Ok, now i'm desprately confused.

"That's why you don't try to tickle her mate." Zayn said laughing.

I noticed Liam rubbing his cheek and noticed it was red.

"Dang steroids how hard did i hit you?" Abby said chuckling.

"Like a mother f**king dude. Damn." Liam said still rubbing his right cheek now not as red.

We all made fun of Liam until the movie started.

All the girls laughed at nearly every thing Kevin Hart said. Sometimes during the movie Ash, Luke, Cal and Haz kept satring at some of the girls. When all the ligths came back on, we went out and decided to walk around town a bit. Abby had on her IHeart Radio app and it played 'What I Like About You' playing so Me, Ash, Luke and Cal sang along. We all laughed after we got done singing and dancing. All of us walked and talked for a good while until we found a KFC to eat at. We stayed there till it was about to close. Abby Jumped on Zayn's back and we started walking back to our cars.

"Awwww look." Julie cooed to the girls.

We looked at Zayn and saw Abby had fallen asleep with her head on his shoulder and arms around his neck.

"You wouldn't be awwwwwing if you had to carry her." Zayn complained.

"Oh come on she can't be that heavy." Harry said.

"Then you carry her." 

"I will."

Harry grabbed Abby off his back and carried her for 10 minuets before he dropped he into Liam's arms saying,

"Here Steroids you take the girl that slapped you."

Liam grunted and fixed his grip on her and carried her.

"Pshhh you think you're so strong. Zayn come here." Louis said the sarted carrying Zayn.

The rest of the way we joked about how cute of a couple Zayn and Lou would be.

"Nope me and Cal would be cuter!" Ash said jumpping into Calum's arms.

We laughed the rest of the way to the cars. Malik left first, then Li and Maddie, the Sytles', the Hemmings, Cal and Haley, and lastly the Horans.

As I drove home i thought about how our little group was starting to get closer and become a family almost. We're all really happy when we hang out we need to do it more often. Sure we'll get soem stares and other be cussed out probably but we'd be happy because we would have each other's backs and that's all that counts.

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