Chapter 25 ~ Christmas!!

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Narrator: As all the families showed up to the Tomlinson residence to celebrate the joyous holiday of Christmas together, the teens helped their parent s with the food while the siblings were guessing presents. 

At 12, everyone prayed over the food and, like at Thanksgiving, the males went first grabbing all the food they could get, but instead of going to the livingroom they all gathered in the dining room which had tables every where so they could sit and eat. The parents sat at three tables that had been put together so they could all sit together, the teens al sat at 2 tables that had been put together,  and the siblings jsut sat anywhere at an open table.

Later after everyone ate, Liam and Louis washed the dishes, Maddie and Julie dried them, and Abby and Mikey put them up. Niall, Harry, Zayn, Calum, Ashton, Luke, Haley, Destiny, and Kaylee passed out presents to everyone. When the 6 teens in the kitchen finished with the dishes and came into the livining room, the presents were starting to be opened. The youngest got to go first which was anybody from 0-12, then the teens (13-19), then the young adults (20-30), then the parents. Everyone said thanks and hugged their parents and the parents hugged their kids and the teens hugged their friends that got them presents.

At 4, the teens again were the only ones at the Tomlinson house since they were spending the night again. 

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