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"Saki, can we talk?"

I don't say anything, continuing to walk to the gym. I just changed into more comfortable clothing and when I stepped out of the bathroom I found Suna waiting for me.

I haven't talked to him at all in a week.

Ever since I left my parents house I've done a lot of thinking.

In such a short period of time I've fought with my mother multiple times, ran away from home and snuck into a stranger's house then ended up having sex with him, talked back to a doctor, confronted a pervy teacher, and fought with my mother some more.

I feel like absolute shit. The only good thing happening in my life right now is the fact that the bruises I've been covering with makeup are almost fully healed.

I really don't know what I've become.

The attitude I had with the doctor when getting the plan b and the one I had when confronting that pervy teacher...I've never done that before. I don't like that person.

"Saki, you haven't even so much as looked at me since-"

I whirl around, making him come to a halt. I close my eyes tightly and rub my temples as I talk.

"Look, Suna. We can't be friends. Okay?" I drop my arms and look at him. "I don't know what you're hoping to gain from talking to me but I think it's in your best interest that you find it elsewhere. We had sex. That's it. I really just don't understand what you want from me." I know I'm going to regret these words later, but I can't seem to stop talking.

"I have absolutely nothing to offer you, so trying to be my friend is useless. I can't do anything for you at all, and if you're just trying to stick around out of pity then please, god, just fuck off."

And with that, I walk away.


After that, Suna backed off and didn't try to talk to me again.

I kept up my happy personality during school hours, but at practice I stayed quiet and just did whatever Kita requested.

I made sure to stay away from Suna and I was surprisingly able to dodge interaction with Atsumu as much as possible.

The night I got kicked out my house, my father kept calling me like crazy. It was 2 am when I finally answered and he asked to meet up.

My father, even when my sister was going through what I was, always just stayed quiet and watched from afar. He one time told me that he felt like he could not do anything since my older sister was not actually his kid. My parents met when my mom was 20 and my father was 24. My mother had already been through a divorce and was left with a kid when my father fell in love with her.

He treated my sister like his own, but my mother always reminded him that she's not his kid whenever he would try to stop her from her bad parenting. So he ended up just staying quiet for me too.

He apologized for that, and gave me a card. He told me to find someplace to stay and that he'll be regularly uploading money onto it so I can support myself. He told me that he loved me and then left before I could respond.

Not that I really knew how to anyways. I haven't heard that in so long.

"Hi Iwasaki-San." Kita greets when I walk into the gym.

"Hi Senpai." I bow.

"Hey, can we talk?" He asks and I awkwardly shift on my feet before nodding.

He turns around and I follow him to the other side of the gym.

"Are you okay?" He asks and I stare at him for a second, trying to keep myself from bursting into tears.

Damn it. Why did he have to ask that? I was doing so well.

"Okay, come here." He murmurs before taking my hand and pulling me into a room.

It's a storage room.

"I didn't want to bring it up because of how down you were but yer face was puffy for a while and you started wearing heavier makeup. Is someone hurting you?" He asks and I bite my lip to keep from crying. "Ya know I'm here for you, right? Whatever it is we can get through it together. You don't have to tell me, but just know you're not alone."

And that's what does it. I burst into tears, putting my head in my hands.

I end up spilling everything that happened between my parents and I. I sob quietly and I'm sure half of what I say is inaudible but he listens anyways.

"Hotels are icky. I'd be happy to offer ya a room at my place until you can find somewhere else, or make up with your parents." He offers and my eyes widen.

I wipe my face, immediately shaking my head.

"No, no. I can't do that. It was more than enough for you to listen, I don't mind the hotel I'm staying at. I can't bother you or your family and I certainly don't want any pity." I sniffle and he reaches his hand up to pat my head.

"I'm living by myself right now. And it's not pity. Yer our manager, which means you're part of my family now. We take care of each other here. After practice I'll walk with ya to your hotel and we'll get your things then go to my place." He pushes the door open and begins to head out. "It's not debatable."

I quickly wipe at my face then touch up my makeup before exiting the storage room as well.

I see the boys all staring at me and Kita's cheeks are slightly tinted pink.

"Blonde Miya, that's 5 extra laps for you. And everyone who laughed- Osamu, Akagi, Gin, you have 5 extra as well." Kita sighs then they all line up to start their usual run before practice.

I feel someone's stare and look up to see Suna glaring at me.



"Are you sure this is okay? I-I can go back to the hotel and get another room." I say worriedly as Kita puts my belongings, that he insisted on carrying, on the bed that's now mine.

"Iwasaki-San, really. It's fine." He turns to me with a small smile. "You're homeless. I don't mind you being here, it actually will make me less lonely. We both win."

Haha...Kita-San sure is blunt.

"You can call me Rei! A-And how much should I give you for rent? And chores? I can do the chores. I can cook too!" I slightly ramble as he just blinks at me.

"Rei-Chan." He says and my cheeks heat up. "No rent. But we can split the chores and cooking. How about we switch off every other day?" He asks and I immediately nod.

"Whatever you wish!" I bow.

"Okay." He turns around and I stand up. "There's only one bath here so you go ahead and go first. Please let me know when yer done."

I nod and watch as he starts to walk out the room.

My eyes widen as I realize something and I quickly call out to him. He turns around, a single brow raised in question.

"Please don't tell the others about this. I'm already causing so much trouble."

Suna Rintarō - Hyōgo's Sweetheart Where stories live. Discover now