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"Hi stranger." I walk out my house and wave at Suna.

His eyes stay glued to me until I stop in front of him.

"My mom bought me this shirt and when I tried it on she forbade me from wearing it because 'I look like a whore' and since you think I'm one too, I thought it'd be very fitting for our date." I say, my tone playful. I turn around a whole 360, letting him look at my outfit fully. "Do you like it?"

Suna gulps, shaking his head for a second before finally meeting my eyes.

"I am looking respectfully." He bows and I laugh. "I also don't think you're a whore. You look really good." He gives a small smile.

My cheeks flush and I hang my head so I don't make eye contact with him.

"Lead the way." I murmur and we start walking.

I adjust my purse on my shoulder before crossing one of my arms over my torso and laying my free hand over my chest as we walk.

Suna reveals that we're going to an arcade and my eyes brighten at the idea.

I've never been to one before, I was never allowed to.

It's not even too far away from my house either so we get there in about 20 minutes. He holds the door open for me and I walk in, looking around in absolute awe.

A bunch of kids, teens, and people in their early 20s are going around playing all sorts of games.

"Wow! That thing is so cute." I point to the abundance of the same stuffed animal in a claw machine.

"The Pokémon?" Suna questions and I shrug, still bouncing with excitement. "You don't know what Pokémon is?"

"I was never allowed to play games." I grab his hand and pull him over to the machine. "I want to play!"

I press the start button then see flashing words that read '0/2 coins entered'

"Ah, what kind of coins do they take?" I press my legs together and squat, reading the front of the machine. "Quarters!"

"Wow...you're really clueless." Suna blinks.

I open my purse and pull out some cash.

"We have to look for the machines to exchange money." Suna informs me and I nod.

I see a man pass by us with a huge cup full of coins and I rush after him.

"Excuse me?" I tap his shoulder.

He turns around and smiles when he looks at me.

"Can you point me in the direction where the machine is to exchange money for coins?" I ask politely, pointing at his cup that's at least a foot tall.

"You need coins?" He asks and I nod excitedly. "Here- uh hold on. Follow me." He says and I quickly nod.

I walk beside the guy as Suna slowly trails behind us. He ends up taking me to the counter where you can trade tickets for prizes.

My face scrunches up in confusion when he asks for another cup.

This one, which is much smaller, he fills to the brim and hands it to me. My eyes widen and I try to hand it back but he refuses to take it.

"I can't take these, they're yours." I frown but the man just laughs.

"I have plenty. You kids have fun." He waves.

"Wait! Can I at least give you cash?" I ask but he shakes his head no before practically running off.

I turn around to face Suna and see a shocked expression on his face.

Suna Rintarō - Hyōgo's Sweetheart Where stories live. Discover now