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"So what do you plan to do?" Suna asks as we sit on the rooftop of the school.

It's lunch time and I dragged him up here because I made us bentos.

"About what?" I ask as I pop some rice into my mouth. He purses his lips as he looks at me and sighs.

"Your sister?" He asks and I shrug. "She's married to this super crazy rich man now and you know she's here in Hyōgo. Why don't you reach out?"

A small scoff exits my lips after I swallow my food.

"Yeah and say what? 'Hey I'm the sister you left behind without a word. I'm here in Hyōgo because our parents kept fighting- and oh! They're divorced now. Mom replaced you with me in the sense that she treated me the same as you without all the rewards you got and she also ended up hitting me! Let's rekindle our relationship big sister!'" I turn to Suna and deadpan. "Is that what you want me to say?"

Suna crosses his arms and raises an eyebrow

"Obviously not. You didn't even mention me once." He says and a small smile breaks out onto my face.

"I'm just going to leave it. At least I know she's alive and doing well. She's clearly happy. I don't have a place in her life anymore- and she has no place in mine." I lean against Suna's shoulder and huff out a small breath.

He wraps an arm around me, rubbing my back soothingly as I stare into nothing.

After a few seconds, my emotions burst up again and I sit up quickly, slapping my hands down onto my folded thighs as I groan.

"And instant noodles??? Really? He's the great grandson of the freaking creator of instant noodles?! Like what the fuck kind of shit is that? He's Momofuku Ando's great grandson! I love instant ramen! How did she end up marrying him?" I throw my hands up in exasperation and Suna bursts out laughing.

"He's also a pretty successful business man." He points out and I roll my eyes.

"Whatever. She can have fun with her stupid instant ramen lover all she wants!" I pout.

"You're jealous." Suna states, putting a hand on my thigh.

My eyes lower and I huff out a breath as I look away.

"I'm not jealous. Just...confused." I say quietly. "She married this rich guy only a year after running away. Yet...she didn't even try to find me. I loved her so much. She's my sister. She said that...she said that we'd get away. Together."

Suna shifts his body and pulls me into his lap, my back now pressed against his chest.

He wraps his arms around me in a comforting matter before kissing my shoulder.

"I'm sorry." He says quietly and I chuckle softly.

"You have nothing to apologize for, silly." I turn my head and smile at him. "It's whatever. I can't change what happened so I won't dwell on it. Also, I'm sorry for cursing earlier."

A small frown etches its way onto both of our faces.

"I don't care if you cuss?" He chuckles softly.

"I don't like cussing though. It makes me feel guilty." I murmur, turning my head to look straight now.

"Oh. I'll try not to curse then." He says and I quickly shake my head.

"No, no. It's kind of hot when you get mad and curse. I just meant that I personally try to refrain from using those words." I chuckle softly and he buries his head in my shoulder.

"God- you're so adorable. I love you Rei." He murmurs into my uniform and warmth washes over me.

"I love you too Rintarō." I say shyly.

Suna Rintarō - Hyōgo's Sweetheart Where stories live. Discover now