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"Why are you getting in line? Go sit down." I frown at Suna as I serve one of the Itachiyama boys.

"I'm getting in line...to eat? Like everyone else is?" He raises an eyebrow and walks over to me.

The next boy comes up and I serve him as well.

"I'll bring you a plate. Go sit down, one of the hotel staff is supposed to come take over for me right now." I say and he looks surprised for a second.

He just stands there for a bit, seemingly thinking over things before reluctantly going back to his seat.

Almost immediately when he sits down the guy comes and allows me to leave. I get a plate for Suna and I before walking over to his table.

I place the one with more food in front of him before sitting down.

"Man, she even brings you your food? Ya know she ain't your maid!" Atsumu points accusingly at Suna.

"I didn't tell her to! I didn't even want her to because I felt bad!" Suna raises his hands in defense and I chuckle a bit.

"I want to. You're my boyfriend so I want to do nice things for you. And also you guys were just doing some intense stuff, I got tired just watching. So now I have to be extra useful." I smile.

Atsumu let's out a long sigh before standing up. He takes in a deep breath before yelling.


I jump a bit at his voice and then again once everyone in the dining hall yells the same thing while turning to look at me.

My cheeks heat up and I immediately slump further down my chair and cover my face with my hands.

"They can't see me anymore, right? This is so embarrassing. Tell Atsumu I'm going to fight him." I cry, feeling embarrassed.

"Nope. They can definitely still see you." Suna laughs and I sit up, placing my hands in my lap.

"Y-You're welcome." I manage to get out while staring at my tray.

The color in my face only intensifies once a round of cheers goes around. I turn and bury my head in Suna's shoulder, holding onto the back of his practice shirt.

He lets out a small chuckle before rubbing his hand up and down my back in a soothing manner.

"You get so shy sometimes and I don't know why. You're so good with people." He mumbles in my ear and I look up at him.

"It's embarrassing. And I'm not used to getting praised or for people being thankful of my existence." I joke.

Kind of.

"Don't say that." He frowns. "I am beyond grateful for your existence." He says and I chuckle a bit before sitting up.

"Though I'm not grateful that all the guys think you're hot. Not grateful at all. Can you stop wearing makeup and constantly make ugly expressions? Or maybe can you gain like 700lbs?" He tilts his head and I cross my arms.

"I haven't worn makeup in a bit. I'm letting my skin breathe." I say and his eyes widen.

One of his hands shoots out to grab my face and he smears his thumb down my cheek, a look of disbelief coming over his expression.

"Shut up. So you just look this good all the fucking time? I totally thought you have been wearing makeup ever since we met and it just stays on super well- even when you bury your face in my clothes when we nap." He says in awe, staring at his makeup-free fingers.

"I feel...oddly offended." I chuckle a bit. "I try to put makeup on to alter my appearance. To be hot. And here you are practically telling me that you never see a difference."

Suna Rintarō - Hyōgo's Sweetheart Where stories live. Discover now