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Iwasaki Rei

"A family dinner at a restaurant. Haven't had one of those in a long time." My mother says as we walk into the establishment. "What friend of yours are we meeting, hunny?" My mother looks up at my father.

"You'll see." He answers quietly.

I see my mom roll her eyes, an irritated look coming over her face.

Today is the day. I couldn't be happier!

A man dressed in a nice suit waves at my dad and we quickly sit with him. My father and I sit on his side of the table while my mother is forced to sit across from us alone.

"Good evening, Iwasaki-San." The man bows his head towards my father then towards me, and finally my mother.

"Good evening." My father replies. "Let's order first. I'm starving."

My mother eyes the two men for a second before looking at me.

"Darling, why don't you come sit with me? It's awkward having three people on one side then just me on this side." She fakes a smile but I hold my menu up to block her face.

"No thanks."

Soon enough we order our food and it comes out relatively quickly.

Small talk is made and my mother asks how my father and this man met, which they dodge the question of.

As I eat, my eyes fly to the entrance where a guy and two other people walk in.

The younger one looks around and our eyes meet. He looks surprised but then gives me a small wave.

Oh my god. This is just great. Is that Suna and his parents?

"Sweetie, who was that?" My father whispers quietly and nudges my shoulder.

My cheeks immediately redden and I look away from Suna, keeping my head down.

"I don't know." I lie.

"Aww, look at you. Got yourself a little boyfriend." He chuckles.

"He's not my-"

"What are you guys talking about? It's rude to have a conversation amongst yourself." My mother scoffs.

My father sits up straight, sighing.

He turns to the man we met here and gives a curt nod.

"Hiroshi-San. I think we're ready." He says.

"Ready for what?" My mother crosses her arms.

The man takes out a packet and slides it across the table to my mother.

"Good evening ma'am, my name is Hiroshi Kai. I am a police officer and your husband has appointed me to serve you these divorce papers." He leans his hands on the table and laces his fingers together as he looks at my mother.

The smile that grew at the word 'divorce' wipes off my face as soon as I see the look on my mother's face.

Doing this in a public space was such a bad idea holy shit.

"Divorce?" My mother laughs. She slams her hands onto the table, making me flinch as she stands up, practically seething. "You want a divorce?!" She exclaims.

Almost everyone in the restaurant stops what they're doing and looks over at the woman causing a scene.

"Chiyo please do not do his in public." My father pleads quietly.

"Ha! What are you going to do without me?" Although she's not yelling, her voice is loud enough to be heard by everyone. Especially now that everyone has gotten quiet.

Suna Rintarō - Hyōgo's Sweetheart Where stories live. Discover now