Chapter 17- Anchor

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Bakugo stared at the magazine Kirishima annotated on, gripping a pencil way too tightly in his hand, trying to find a connection between the logo and everything Kirishima had circled.

Even though eyes moved back and forth, a voice in his head repeatedly telling him to do something, his mind wasn't working. Every time he looked at the pages, his mind turned into a static fuzz that would block any chances of getting things done.

And every time he tried looking away from the paper, his thoughts floated back to Kirishima's breakdown.

The distraction wasn't working. So he tried harder.

A few minutes passed and all he put down were a few scribbles, and one connection. It wasn't even a good one, they barely looked similar at all.

Bakugo slammed his fist down on the table angrily. Why did Kirishima always have to be on his mind?!

He stared at the magazine for a little bit longer, before ultimately deciding to abandon it. There wasn't any point in continuing to waste time.

But now what?

Bakugo could only listen as time ticked by, looking at the wood design on his table. The next best thing to do was think.

About Kirishima, because when was it not?

The first thing that came to mind was Kirishima's breakdown. As the most recent event that's happened so far, it was natural that that's what he would think of.

But he didn't like it, because he still couldn't figure out 'why.' Panic attacks and the like could happen, but Bakugo has never heard Kirishima speak until that moment.

Not only that, but Kirishima said 'sorry.' 

Why? What did he have to apologize over? Bakugo couldn't figure it out, and frankly, it almost scared him.

He needed to know. But how? Would Kirishima even tell him? Does he even want to know?

Bakugo grit his teeth as he tapped his finger on the table slowly, contemplating whether or not he should visit.

He ended up doing it.

If he didn't, then it would start bugging him to no end. But despite his decision, he still hesitated in front of Kirishima's door.

Bakugo didn't know what he was expecting when he opened the hospital door. He didn't even know if he was expecting anything at all.

A small squeak filled the room, accompanied by the chittering of feet scurrying across the floor, towards Bakugo who was at the doorway.

Hinansho was running in circles around Bakugo's legs for a few seconds, before looping back around to Kirishima's hospital bed.

A feeling, damp and unnerving, settled in Bakugo's stomach as he watched the covers lift up, revealing Kirishima, who was rubbing his eyes tiredly.

Their eyes met, Kirishima being the first one to react. Instantly, the redhead got up, taking a few quick steps towards Bakugo.

It was so... strange.

There were definitely changes in Kirishima. Almost like he was more confident somehow. Underneath the nervousness he displayed, he could almost see a spark of determination.

Kirishima revealed a piece of paper he was holding, handing it out to Bakugo. The blond took it. 

On the paper, there was a drawing. And the most surprising part, was that it was actually pretty neat. Not exactly good, but much easier to understand than Bakugo would've expected.

It was a drawing of... him and Kirishima? With a gray jacket and red tie... U.A.?

Bakugo glanced up at Kirishima, who was back to looking anxious. If he thought of U.A... then...

His heart started beating a lot faster, a sliver of hope rising up in him.

He put his attention back to the drawing. In the bottom right-hand corner, there were a few words written on there.

'Denki! Hanta. Mina <3'

"The fùck?" Bakugo stared at the names, before looking to the redhead again. Did he read that right?

But Kirishima didn't really understand his confusion, and seemed more concerned with whether or not Bakugo actually liked the drawing, not about the names in the corner.

Bakugo knew he should give a response, so he blandly said, "...It's nice."

Gah, that didn't sound like him at all.

Kirishima blinked, looking almost confused. But suddenly, his face lit up. Slowly, he walked towards Bakugo, and turned the paper to the other side.


Sorry? That again...?

Bakugo turned to the redhead, asking, "What the hell are you sorry for?"

Kirishima's smile quivered, before falling entirely. It was probably better not to ask anything more.

"Whatever, just forget about that." Bakugo said, cringing at the mildness in his words.

Kirishima's grin returned, and a celebratory squeak came from Hinansho. Bakugo didn't understand why he was sorry.

But besides that part of the drawing, Bakugo decided to focus on the actual picture part of the card.

It was U.A, he was sure of that. When did Kirishima remember? How much did he remember of their time?

Did he know that they were... together?

Bakugo couldn't see any clue or hint from Kirishima that gave off a message that he knew about that. The feeling in his stomach grew more.

In any case, it seemed like Kirishima only knew a little bit about their time at U.A. But at least he even started remembering...

Bakugo bit the inside of his cheek, watching as Kirishima went over to his hospital bed. With a few things running in his mind, Bakugo went over and sat next to him.

Suddenly, he realized another thing. If he really did start remembering, then... maybe Bakugo could have the old Kirishima back.

Obviously, it would be a lengthy process. Kirishima wouldn't remember everything right away. But even if there was the slightest chance he could know about how things used to be, Bakugo would want that to happen.

Bakugo could feel that feeling in his stomach slipping away, making him have a little room to breathe. He looked over at Kirishima, the sliver of hope growing into something bigger.

Yeah, this would be okay. In the meantime, he would have other things to do.

Bakugo felt better.


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