Chapter 2- That Creepy Feeling

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A/N- what am i doing with this.

(Also Momojirou for L I F E)


The two reached Todoroki and Izuku's house, where they were having a party with the rest of their ex-homeroom class. They opened the door and walked in.

"Oh my god!" Momo exclaimed. She ran up to her girlfriend and looked at her wound. "You're bleeding! Hurry, let's go to the bathroom." She and Kyoka left the scene, leaving Toru, a cake, and a bunch of confused Pro Heroes. 

"Well that ruined the party mood," Denki said bluntly. He got a slap from Toru. "Ow- hey! I'm just telling the truth!"

"What happened?" Izuku asked. 

"Kyoka told me that she got punched by some random dude," Toru said. She walked over to the coffee table and set the cake box down. "On the way here, she told me that he looked like he was in pain, so she tried to help him. But when Kyoka talked to him, apparently she scared him and he punched her."

"There are some crazy people out there," mumbled Hitoshi. "But you are fine though, right?" 

"Yup! Perfectly fine," Toru said reassuringly. "Let's just wait for Kyoka and Momo to come out so we can cut the cake."

"I could've just made the cake myself......" Rikido mumbled. Koda clung onto his arm empathetically.  A couple of 'awws' went around the room. 

(Does anyone ship this besides me? Dunno, maybe I'm just weird)

"Anyways, let's unbox the cake!" Ochaco said. "So that way we can eat it right after Kyoka and Momo get back. Also Shoto, could you get us some drinks?"

"Sure," Todoroki responded. "You guys want anything specific?" Everybody made their request and he went off. Mezo went with him as an extra set of hands.

Ochaco grabbed the cake box and opened it, and a sweet strawberry-vanilla scent wafted out. She pulled the cake put and laid it down. She set the empty box aside. Iida walked in with plates and forks. At that time, Momo came back with Jirou, who had a bandage on the side of her face. Todoroki and Mezo also came back with some drinks.

"Everybody here right?" Ochaco asked. Everybody nodded, with a drink in their hand. "All right! Cheers to everybody for being in the chart for the top 30 heroes!"

Everybody cheered, even Katsuki, who didn't usually participate in anything. He never really participated in anything after Eijiro got kidnapped. Izuku could get him to come out of his shell sometimes, along with some of the others like.

"Alright, let's cut the cake-" Ochaco started to speak, but was interrupted when Kyoka and Mezo suddenly jumped. "Are you guys okay?" She asked.

"Did you hear that?" Kyoka asked. Mezo nodded. She walked over to the nearest window and looked outside. Nothing.

"What is it?" Ochaco asked. Kyoka closed the window and walked back. "Did something happen?"

"I swore I heard something fall," Kyoka said. Mezo agreed with her. "Like some sort of yelp. I think something fell too."

"It's probably your stupid imagination," Katsuki grumbled. "Now hurry the fućk up so I can leave."

Mina shivered. "I just got the sudden chills. Is someone watching us? I've learned to trust my gut feeling, or any feeling really, and I got the stalker vibes."

"The demons have bestowed a dark curse on us." Fumikage said gloomily. 

"Are you all freaking delusional?" Katsuki snapped. "What are we, still in high school? Hurry up and cut the cake dumbässes!"

With a slow but rising tension, Ochaco sliced the cake into squares, and put it on the plates. Each person got a piece of cake and started eating it.


Kirishima stood on top of the roof of a house. Who's house? He didn't know. But what he did know is that there was some sort of gathering. He peered down into a window, and saw and upside-down view of all the people.

He learned he was able to use his quirk. After not being able to use it for years, he was finally able to harden his skin. Even with his quirk, he still couldn't take off the hot collar. He also had difficulty controlling it. His skin would harden at random time, and when he did want to use it, there was either too big or small of the area he wanted to harden.

Kirishima saw a bunch of people interacting with each other. Somehow, he got this feeling he could quite shake off. It was a weird, tugging-like sensation in his brain. 

He leaned close to the window. Nobody noticed him yet, so leaned just a bit closer.

His finger slipped.

With a high pitched yelp, Kirishima fell off the roof. He desperately tried to reach for some sort of handhold, but to avail. His self-instinct kicked in, and he hardened his skin. He fell to the floor with a loud 'thud!' Luckily, the roof wasn't that high.

The skin on his back ached. His sore arm reached over and he flipped himself on the side to get up. 

"Did you hear that?"

Shoot. He scrambled to his feet and wall jumped his way back onto the roof. Luckily, there was a windowsill next to the window he was looking in, so he was able to jump up with ease.

Kirishima peeked his eyes down slightly as the window slid open. He could see the girl from earlier move from side to side, checking the area. Kirishima held his breath. He moved his head out of view. Thankfully, he heard the window slide back, and he exhaled with relief.

He peeked his head back down. Everybody there looked so familiar. Especially that boy with spiky, ash-blonde hair.


955 words

A/N- It turns out learning Gurenge on piano was harder than I thought. Or maybe I just suck I dunno.

(It surprises me that people actually like the books i make. Tbh I think my oneshots are better than my actual books even though they are horribly unrealistic-)

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