Chapter 35- Oshun

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As Bakugo stared at the insane woman in front of him, all he could think was 'what the f--- is this?' The snarky and cold woman he'd seen before was replace with an... unstable freak.

The answers to his follow-up questions from the text he'd gotten said that they were sick. As in, physical illnesses, not full-on insanity.

The woman who talked to him in the dark inside world was gone. That unnerved Bakugo greatly,  making him wonder if all the others were like that too. 

The woman was calm now, at least. Bakugo looked over his reports again.

According to the investigation team, she had a surgery for a life-threatening injury when she was really young. She became sickly afterwards, and her family reported how she felt like everything hurt all the time. Nothing worked, apparently. It got worse and worse.

Soon, she just... locked herself away with her quirk. It was a room with no pain. It was like that for months, until she disappeared one night, and that was that. But Bakugo still didn't understand why she was so mad.

There was nothing that was different about her except that her pain was gone. What happened to her previous personality?

He looked up at the scientist. If he needed any answers, he was going to get it from her. "You calm yet?"

She nodded, but was contradicted by her constantly jittering body. Bakugo went on anyway.

"So lady, tell me some things about yourself," he said, straightforward, but not harsh. "What happened to you when you were seven?" He plopped a newspaper clipping down on the table.

"I... I got caught in a villain attack," she answered, voice shaking. When she saw the paper, she immediately looked away. "I got surgery afterwards... and then everything started hurting afterwards."

"How bad did the pain get?" Bakugo felt like a doctor.

She bit her lip. "Sometimes I couldn't move because it hurt so bad... and I couldn't stress my muscles too much without straining them. I couldn't get it fixed. My body wasn't strong enough to repair itself. So to stop it, I'd use my quirk... but my family and friends didn't like it when I did that. They said it was too unhealthy," She scoffed, "Like they knew how I felt."

"How'd you fix your body?"

"Help," she said vaguely. "The people you're chasing down now... they helped me feel better."

"At the f------ expense of other people's lives?!" Bakugo raged. "Just what did they do to you?!"

"They helped me!" she screamed quickly. "That's all you need to know!"

A loud screech rang through the room. That was Bakugo's chair, scraped back as the blond stood up very sharply. 

"This isn't even the answer I wanted," Bakugo grumbled. "I went to investigate this chronic illness nonsense, and I get you." he sneered, grabbing all his papers and storming out of the room.


It was unnatural though, Bakugo knew. To get cured of whatever was almost impossible to heal, and to have such a big personality shift wasn't normal. It couldn't have been a quirk, because why all the experiments if that's all it was. Even if it needed a base, there wasn't a reason to go to those lengths.

Everybody agreed with him in the next E. Kirishima Case Meeting. In his case though, the personality shift wasn't caused from an illness, it happened from the consequences surrounding her situation.

"Now we have to figure out what caused the change in the first place," Asui said. "If it wasn't from an illness coming back, then this also has to be from her current situation."

"It's possible she couldn't handle being in jail," Shinsou said. "That's common."

Jirou frowned. "Is that seriously the answer we're going for? Katsuki said she was frighteningly calm, even when being confronted by him."

"Maybe she didn't expect to be caught."

"Do you think we might be missing something?" Yaoyorozu said. "All these changes are happening relatively at the same time. Not only that, but every one of the members has or had something wrong with them. The only question is how they're getting healed in ways modern medicine couldn't help them."

Despite it sounding like it was still a pending question, everyone knew the answer: experimentation. 

"I'm sure we'll get more answers eventually," Midoriya said. "We're raiding the base tomorrow."

"Right... and you're like, a hundred-percent sure this lead is accurate?" Shinsou asked.

"W-Well, not completely," Midoriya laughed awkwardly, then his smile was gone. "But it's better than nothing. Besides, if we're going to do this, we have to do this fast. Activity is running low, and with less activity, means more leads are going to disappear soon. We can't afford that."

"Yeah, I guess you're right," Shinsou sighed. "Anyways, we're all ready to infiltrate, right?"

"Mhm, Mina's getting Hinansho right now," Todoroki said. "We've requested for a few more back-up heroes."

"Okay, good," Midoriya said, looking around the room. "No matter what happens, guys, we can not afford to lose. So we're going to do this right."

Everyone nodded, Bakugo included. There wasn't any way he could fail. Not after last time, not after everything.

The safety of Kirishima and every potential victim was going to be riding on one infiltration that would hopefully knock down the dominoes to demolishing the entire thing.

And in those fallen pieces, were hopefully some answers. 


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