Chapter 29- Ischemia

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"Who the fùck are you?!" Bakugo shouted, explosions popping off his palms. The figure didn't respond. "What, cat got your tongue or something, bastard?"

The figure stared at him from under the cloak for half a second, before kicking off the ground, shooting straight for Bakugo.

Bakugo let all his inner hatred stir up into his body, taking the challenge head-on. Also bursting off the ground, he aimed his arm for a right-hook, striking with all his might when he was close enough. 

The figure foresaw that, sliding underneath Bakugo before the hit could make contact. The blond flipped in the air, sliding on his feet as he hit the ground.

They stood on opposite sides. 

"What the hell did you fùcking want with Eiji?!" Bakugo yelled. "What did you do to him? Answer me!"

"We're trying to help him," the figure said hazily. They were a female. She immediately rushed in to use the same attack. Man, for a secret organization they were terrible at fighting. "Trying to... help... him."

"Help him?!" Bakugo shouted incredulously. "You call that HELPING?!" 

He furiously boosted himself up at the last second, before aiming downwards, fingers circled like a target. "AP SHOT!" He fired.

The figure hastily leaped backward, but got caught in the enormous impact that shattered the ground and the buildings around it. Hopefully, nobody was in the buildings at the time.

Bakugo landed on the ground, coughing from the dust clouds that formed. It was blurry. But still, he could see through it just enough to catch a figure on the ground. They had toxic-green wisps flowing from their body.

Bakugo narrowed his eyes. That must've been their quirk. He kept his distance.

"...Y-You know," the figure coughed. "I wasn't... supposed to fight you."

Bakugo snorted, reaching into his pocket to request for backup. "Yeah? You did a bang-up job on that. Now tell me what you did to Eiji! HOW WAS THAT FÙCKING HELPING?!"

"Not him," she said, pulling her hoodie up more as the dust cleared. Bakugo could see sky-blue hair through the black cloth. "T-The boss... I just want to get rid of you since you're annoying."

"Yeah? Why should I care?" Bakugo questioned, one arm out for defense, the other on his phone calling for help.

"B-Because... I..." she paused. Then, suddenly, toxic-green shot from her body and hit Bakugo straight in the forehead.

He felt cold. His senses cut off, he couldn't breathe. 

And then he woke up in a void of black, gasping. 

There was no sound, no life. Nothing visible. Bakugo turned in all directions, but black was only thing he could see for miles. Thankfully though, he could still see his hands and clothes.

"I was supposed to convince you not to come after us." a voice said bitterly from behind.

Bakugo whipped around. There, a woman with shot, choppy sky-blue hair and toxic-green eyes stood, a lab coat on instead of a black cloak.

"I'm not a good fighter," she continued. "I'm a scientist, after all. I'm surprised I even lasted for five seconds. This is what I was actually supposed to do."

"I don't care!" Bakugo snapped. "Let me out of here!"

"That's what we both want to do!" she shot back. "Unfortunately though, I can't back out on orders. Especially ones not from the boss."

Bakugo scoffed. "Yeah, well you can tell your shìtty boss he can go fúck himself."

"Don't talk about him like that!" the scientist suddenly growled. She sighed. "Whatever, I just came here to convince you to stop coming after us."

"Stop coming after you?!" Bakugo echoed. "Like hell, I'm a damn hero. It's my job! And did you also forget the part where you KIDNAPPED THE LOVE OF MY LIFE?!"

"Right, that," she groaned, putting a hand to her head. "But we released him."

"You tortured him before you did that." Bakugo seethed.

"He worked with our experiments, as we thought for an upcoming hero," the scientist said impatiently. "You should be happy he's even alive."

"He could die at any moment thanks to that freaking dog collar you put on him!"

"We wouldn't kill our own subjects after releasing them. They're still part of the experiment," the scientist said, like Bakugo should've known this stuff already. "Look, the way it works is that whenever the collar starts burning, the body starts repairing itself at a rapid speed. But this requires energy, sometimes so much energy the subject could die."


"We wouldn't burn it long or high enough for Kirishima Eijiro to die," she said. "Happy now?"

"Are you insane?!" Bakugo screamed. "He won't die, but he's still hurting! Tell me how to get rid of that collar!"

"What do you even want from us?" the scientist demanded. "We already told you we won't kill him."

"How many other people have died because of you?!" Bakugo yelled. "What I want you to do, is to stop with all this bullshìt!"

"WE HAVE TO DO THIS FOR THE BOSS!" the scientist screamed, a feral glint in her eyes. "You wouldn't understand."

"Because I haven't heard that line a thousand times!" Bakugo said, hands clenched as he walked up to her. An invisible wall blocked him from touching her. "Try being original for once, lady."

The scientist grit her teeth. "I am so fúcking done with this."

"Well so am I! Let me out of this damn box already!"

"It's not a box, it's our mind," the scientist clarified. "We're unconscious in the real world."

Bakugo paused. Huh. He requested for backup, so by this point... He grinned. 

"What the hell are you smiling about?" 

"Like I'm telling you."

The scientist narrowed her eyes, but released her quirk anyways, and Bakugo's world went completely dark.

He woke up on the floor, noises all around him. He blinked, sitting upright. Heroes were there, he realized.

Ahead of him, the scientist was still limp, shiny silver handcuffs on her wrists, dirty hood off to reveal her sky-blue hair. She was being moved, shoved into a police car.

That was... so easy it was unbelievable. The organization was fragile, from what he's seen, and Bakugo was sure it may have been falling apart already.


1038 words

A/N- school's starting on thursdayyyyy

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