Chapter 31- Aria

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Bakugo's eyes met the back of Kirishima's head, the bright red hair of the hardening-quirk user swishing softly from side to side. The pieces of ripped leaf that fell from his hands landed soundlessly on the ground.

"Do you trust me?"

What an obvious question. Of course Bakugo trusted Kirishima! Why shouldn't he? After all, he was the one the blond was able to stand, the one he let past the walls of pride and arrogance Bakugo built up.

Although... Bakugo realized that wasn't the same Kirishima standing in front of him.

But why should that be any different, right..?

Except that the differences were glaring too directly at him. The serious frowns, cautious front, and even with the smiles and childish glee Kirishima radiated sometimes, it wasn't the same. Bakugo was frustrated at it.

Why did the person he love turn out to be so different? Out of all the people in the packed country of Japan, did it have to be Kirishima?

He almost forgot he was in that simple yet beautiful garden until he heard the obnoxious voices of Kaminari, Ashido, and Sero.

"Katsu, this place is great!" Ashido called out, before dropping a small coin in the central fountain. "Do they allow photos here?"

"The hell if I know!" Bakugo yelled back. Kirishima was still facing away, watching a bee buzzing right in front of his eyes.

"By the way, Katsuki," Sero said. "Now that you're here, we wanted to talk more about our game plan for taking down the bad guys."

"Here?!" Bakugo looked over at Kirishima. "Why now?"

Sero shrugged. "Why not?"

"I thought that's what we had those stupid meetings for!" Bakugo argued. "And shouldn't we do it somewhere more private?"

"...Unless there's cameras I'm sure nothing will get overheard," Sero said. "Plus, this is good. Kirishima's here too, and every time we've discussed this kind of thing, you're never with him."

"Wha..." Bakugo grabbed the tape-quirked user and dragged him over to the rest of the group, away from Kirishima. "Why does S---- Hair need to know anything?!"

"Huh? What're you talking about?" Sero blinked. "We always talk about our current status with Kirishima. Well, except for that two-week ban, but we figured it was better that Kirishima didn't know you killed someone..."

"Oh, we talking about the ban?" Ashido jumped in. "That seriously sucked."

"Not the f----- point," Bakugo grumbled impatiently. "Why does Eiji need to help any more? Shouldn't he focus on healing or whatever s---- he's supposed to be doing?"

"Well, yeah," Sero said cautiously. "but he's a good source of information, and that's something we definitely need."

"We're working out the kinks on the plan, and it's getting somewhere!" Kaminari grinned. "Kinda gotta figure out where the actual building is though..."

"He already sent the plan out, that's all we need," Bakugo said. "We're just going to do this f----- thing and tell him when this all blows over."

"Woah, what's with the sudden change in attitude?" Kaminari took a step back. " I mean, you were all on board before and you still are but what's with the anger?"

"Yeah, what's wrong with telling Kirishima?" Ashido asked. "It's his idea, you know?"

Bakugo felt anger flare up in him. Yes, it was Kirishima's idea to fight against the organization... but that stupid organization...

He didn't want Kirishima to keep fighting it every day of his life. He shouldn't waste so much time on people like that damn woman with sky-blue hair and toxic-green eyes after they hurt him so much.

He should heal... become like he was in high school, coming back from all the pain. It was better like that. Kirishima didn't need to focus attention on those people, messed up people.

He should just... move past it.

"Katsuki?" Kaminari's voice was heard. "Are you okay? Hey, Katsuki?!"

He hated them... hated everyone in that place. Taking Kirishima's happy smile and attitude for some guy who probably wasn't even worth it...

"Katsuki? Can he hear me?"


They were so heartless. That woman was so evil-



Bakugo coughed, reeling in from the big mount of pressure he felt. In front of him, Kirishima was staring, concerned, worried.

His form flickered. It changed, hair molding from spiky to down, a uniform blinking in an out.

Bakugo's mind felt blank.


726 words

A/N- im starting to wonder how much i can make bakugo suffer before things get better enEjdndejsj

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