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A/N- there i go making another horrible fic :D

(This is so unoriginal oof)


Two people were in a room. One a former UA student, Kirishima Eijiro, the other part of an illegal organization.

"Shut....... up."  Kirishima rasped out. "They.... wouldn't.... leave... me."

He knew they were looking for him. They had to. Just a little bit more of the pain and suffering. A little more, then he could be free. He could be with his boyfriend. He could be with his friends. He could graduate, become a hero. Just push a little bit more.

"Look kid, nobody's coming to save you. Give up already. It's been around 8 months. They aren't looking for you."

"NO! You're..... wrong! They..... will...... save me!" Kirishima cried desperately.

They wouldn't.... they couldn't leave him here. They had to find him. They were still looking weren't they? Just save him...... please....... anybody....

"Whatever, you're a lost cause anyway. Anyways, try not to scream." 

The scientist filled a syringe with a strange colored liquid. It was same routine. Inject, scream, cry, faint, rinse and repeat. But soon, Kirishima knows he'll be free. He knows it.

Kirishima's eyes followed the needle. He hated needles. He wanted to use his quirk. Protect himself. But he couldn't. He was useless and vulnerable right now. He hated it. The needle was getting close to his arm.

The needle was inserted. The contents were being pushed out. Kirishima didn't feel anything bad at first. He never felt anything at first. 

The vein in his arm started burning. Like fire. It spread. He could feel the wildfire of pain spread throughout his body. Tears stung at his eyes. His fingers felt numb. He could feel his heart thumping wildly, it was louder than he had ever heard it.

Kirishima screamed. His voice was distorted and raspy. His throat ached after screaming for months. His tongue and mouth suddenly felt hot.

He fell to the floor, screaming his life out. His tears drenched his clothes and face. The burning was overwhelming. 

Dark spots clouded his vision. His head started to blur. The room started spinning rapidly. It was nauseating.

But this was nothing, as he knew tomorrow, it would be the same. Again and again.


"What's your name?"

"Ki-rish-ima E-iji-ro."

"Do you know who Kaminari Denki, Ashido Mina, or Sero Hanta?"

"I do n-ot."

"Do you recognize the name Aizawa Shota?"

"I d-o not."

"Do you know what the UA is?"

"I d-o n-ot."

"How do you feel right now?"

"I c-an't fe-el a-nyth-in-g."

"Do you know who Bakugo Katsuki is?"

"I..... I... he is.... I... his name i-s fami-l-i-ar. Ho-weve-r..... I c-an not rem-em-ber a-nyth-ing e-lse."


Ring ring

"Hello? Yeah, I think we broke him, for the most part. What should we do?"


"Are you sure? That's a big risk. What if he remembers something important?"


"Alright, I'll do it."



It was really cold. The floor, the air, it's strange.

He could barely open his eyes. 'Where am I?'

He could feel a cold, hard floor. 

He could barely see anything. The sky...... it was covered in strange lights. Something about them was familiar, like he has seen them before. And there was a big circular glowing rock in the center.

His eyes adjusted. He could see things...... he was in.... an alley? That's what they were called, right? Dirt and dust coated his fingers, nothing different about that. His clothes were the same, ripped and dirty. Old posters and newspapers littered the floor.

He struggled to stand up. His legs were weak, so he stumbled and tripped. He stretched out his arms for balance. 'Is this the outside world?'

He reached for his neck. 'The hot collar is still there.'

He took in a deep breath.

'My name is Kirishima Eijiro. I'm in the outside world. I don't know anything. What is my purpose?'


646 words

A/N- i luv Kiribaku

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