Chapter I

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*knocks gradually*

Jennie fell asleep because of too much crying last night. Her tears dried and her eyes were swollen red and puffy.

So it wasn't a dream...

I hope it's still a dream, just a bad dream


A nightmare

Jennie didn't wash herself and went to open the main door hoping that it was her wife but after realizing that Lisa didn't even bother to come home last night...or chase her...her face dropped.

I'm waiting for her to come and explain everything to me

I am waiting...

"I'm Ms. Manoban's private lawyer"

And i got nothing

But your lawyer

"Where's Lisa?" Jennie asked, the lawyer looked at her up and down and cleared his throat. He grab his pen from the pocket of his suit and handed it to Jennie along with the envelope. Jennie raised her eye brow while eyeing the paper in front of her

"What's this?"

"This is a divorce agreement please read thorough it" he answered nonchalantly.

Jennie froze hearing the word divorce. She didn't expect it, never. She had never dreamed that Lisa would actually divorce her. She's just asking for an explanation but why... what she received is a divorce paper?!

"W-where's Lisa?" Jennie asked again with her voice low, tears began to shed. The lawyer immediately avoid Jennie's gaze.

"Ms. Manoban is very busy. She doesn't have the time."

Jennie's hand quivered, she felt her knees weakened so she hold onto the door knob for support.

First, an affair and now a divorce paper?!

Lisa... don't I deserve an explanation?

Thinking of the way he address Lisa as Ms. not Mrs. is obvious that he wouldn't take a no as an answer. That this is final.

Jennie ran to their bedroom and grab her phone and contact her wife's number but could not seem to get through her.

"How did Lisa and I end up like this?" Jennie mumbles and glance to the louring lawyer and speak a bit louder "Take me to Lisa! I need her to tell this to me in person!!" She rages. The lawyer closes his eyes and exhaled like he was resisting his self not to be rude.

"Ms. Kim... Ms. Manoban entrusted me to handle this divorce proceedings with you. Please read thorough it." He replied, after hearing nothing the lawyer was about to step his feet inside but Jennie stood up and head to his direction with a blank face.

Jennie's breathe started to fast while reading the column of the dismemberment on the property. As all of the property already belonged to Lisa before her marriage, it's not part of the property that would be divided upon their divorcement. -It's funny how you keep on insisting that everything that yours were already mine too, but i don't care about the property at all

I want answers

I want an explanation

I right now.

Without reading any further, she grab the pen from his hand and sign her name immediately.

She gave it to the lawyer who's watching her all along, he's about to speak but Jennie stepped back and shut the door followed by a loud bang that made the guy widened his eyes to Jennie's action. He just shakes his head and left.

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