28- deja vu

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Sana went to meet up with Jisoo to inform her about the company. Jisoo was complacent these past few weeks because of Younghoon, her brother slash secretary handling the issue very well. But today, Jisoo needs to come back to Europe, everyone, including Jisoo's employees and board directors was threatened regarding Marco handling their corporation again.

She went to the CJ E&M Building first but she didn't enter and just stared at it. After that, she left to meet Sana and prepare everything they needed before leaving then when she's going home she saw Rosie outside the convenience store sitting alone while talking to her phone. The thought across her mind and left Sana, her girlfriend in her car and chose to accompany Rosie.

Jisoo talked about her leaving the country, she felt that Rosie wasn't that happy and when she asked her about it the latter answered her that if it's okay if they could go to the airport together since they have the same time of their flights. She nodded and tried not to show the happiness she felt. When they reached Jennie's Hotel Restaurant, they talked to inform Jennie about it.

"Mandu, Jisoo unnie will come back. Don't cry as if you won't see her again" Rosie gasped and chuckled lightly. There's something broken inside her, watching them hugging each other. And she can't tell if it's because Jisoo is hugging her crush right now or if there's another reason.

Jisoo gave her a small smile and continue to soothe Jennie's back. Jennie then felt shy when she remembered that Rosie doesn't know anything yet, Jennie wiped her tears as she pulls herself away from Jisoo's embrace and then chuckled.

"You too! We should call each other often alright? Xavi will miss you spoiling him" Jennie asserted and chuckled more.

Rosie and Jisoo look at each other and laugh with her. They knew that they spoiled Xavi too much that's why her son was always with them.

In the morning, Jennie, Xavi, and Jessi accompanied the two to the airport. Sana didn't let go of Jisoo's arm until they got into the airplane while Rosie exhaustly slumps her butt on her seat and crossed her arms. She felt annoyed for some reason.

Jennie's PoV

We ate first before we headed to my office after we escort them to the airport. I'm carrying Xavi while his head was resting on my shoulder quietly, I guess he's tired or maybe sleepy.

"Oh, so this is your office" I heard Jessi unnie amused, I turned to her and saw her roaming her eyes around. I smiled and spoke

"Mm, this is your first time here, right unnie?" I asked and sat on the couch, Xavi rubbed his eyes so I patted his hair.

Then Jessi unnie scanned the decors and also the frames I hang on the wall. It was me and Xavi then the other one was our picture altogether at the restaurant. After checking everything she went to the other couch and flops as she crossed her legs.

"Rj, I have a question to ask..."

My brows automatically curled due to her sudden seriousness. But I still chuckled and nodded my head.

"Go ahead unnie"

She cleared her throat first and stared at my son.

I thought she's going to say something vulgar so I prepared my hands to cover Xavi's ears.

"....it's nothing, forget it," she said by shaking her hand and stood up. I frowned,

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