Chapter II- come back

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(After two years...)

Jennie breathe out a long sigh and sat on the sofa beside of Jessi. The woman notice and scoot towards her.


"Rj!" she called again in her husky voice. Jennie turn sideways and look at her with a confused look

"Tell Tiffany that I'm going out if she comes back okay?" the woman leaned showing her puppy eyes

Jennie frowned at her "why are you whispering unnie?" The woman slapped her arm softly then she glared at her "bitch, i'm not whispering!" She hissed that made Jennie snickered, "i'm just teasing you unnie, now get out" jennie shoo her away, the woman grinned at her and put her hand around her boobs in front of jennie's face before running away from the mansion.

There's no day that she wasn't doing that.

Jennie shakes her head while smiling. The maid in her 30's came and put down the cup of tea on the table for Jennie. She smiled and rested her back on the backrest.

Jessi is Tiffany's best friend. After Jennie told her story to Tiffany when they were inside the car, the woman decided to keep Jennie with her and take her to U.S. Jennie wasn't sure but the thought of seeing Lisa with her mistress made her accept the offer.
Then Tiffany introduced her to Jessi and  fortunately, they click to each other. The three of them were both bitches and savages even to each other, inside of two years they learned to love and care for each other. The two woman said to her that they're not just Jennie's best friends but also her family too. Jennie was happy that she found someone who really loves her and cares for her, she's thankful that even though Lisa left her side the two of them came into her life.

Not just two, but three.

Inside of those years she spent most of her time from doing the things that makes her happy and the things that Lisa never allow her or go with her. Tiffany and Jessi helped her and to cope up from everything. Tiffany Hwang, a successful business woman with a lot of properties, businesses etc and the most richest among the Hwang's Clan. while Jessi is a fitness model in U.S and addicted to parties.

The wide pink ivory wooden door creaked a sound dictating that someone entered. Jennie was preoccupied to notice Tiffany's heel clicking sound towards her.

"Ruby Jane" she called and sat at the couch across Jennie. Shutting her eyes closed, the woman crossed her legs and arms as soon she slump her body.

She half open her one eye and gaze to Jennie when she didn't receive a response. "Hello?Miss Ruby Jane?" Tiffany snapped her fingers that causes Jennie to blink repeated times. Tiffany sighed seeing her reaction and asked "what are you thinking?" 

Jennie which now they call Rj or Ruby Jane smiled and shrugged her shoulders.

"Nothing. I'm just...I'm just thinking how lucky I am even after all what happened to my past." She said truthfully, the woman across her wince and smiled

"Speaking of, now that you've finished your business course I want you to manage our Hotel Restaurant in South Korea" she announced while gesturing her hand to the maid for a cup of tea.

Ruby Jane froze a moment and remembered her tea so she take a sip.

"Like..literally?for real? But i haven't trained yet I'm afraid i might damage the hotel" rj said with a nervous sound.

Tiffany chuckled "bitch are you okay? That was also your Hotel, i don't think you will let that happen and besides I will asked Song Kang to come with you"

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