Chapter V- rival

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Irene Bae-Manoban, was literally boiling because of anger. After her talk to the representatives of their company she go straight to their mansion, where she, Lisa and Lisa's dad live together.
She immediately sat on the golden couch while fanning herself.

Three servants were beside not far from her place, waiting for their madam's command.

"Give me a glass of wine, faster!" Irene yelled that made the servants stagger and quickly rushed to the kitchen.

"Irene" an orotund and deep voice appeared, an old man wearing his gray pajamas walked down the stairs with a servant behind him. As Irene heard his Dad-in-low, she stood up and wait for him to her direction.

"Dad" she exhaled and hugged him quickly, they both sat with a space between them.

"It's so early to drink" he said in his loud voice, because of his deep and loud voice people sometimes misunderstood him that he's yelling that's why they are more scared to him except for Irene and Lisa because they are used to him. He then gestured his servant to gave him his favorite coffee which he immediately obeyed.

"It's just annoying dad, a lot of reporters keep calling to my secretary because of what happened that night and also the representatives seems they misunderstand me!" Irene hissed, her blood starts boiling again when she remember that woman especially when she slapped her.

The servant came and put down the glass of wine respectfully followed by the coffee of their Old master.

"Don't worry about them, I know for sure they are on your side till the're a Manoban after all" The old man affirmed that made the woman smiled devilishly. She extend her arm to the glass and take a sip.

"That's right" Irene uttered as she crossed her legs while her glass of wine is on her hand "but dad, now that she really came back what if she steal Lisa away from me? What if she--"
She stopped when Marco, Lisa's Dad is shaking his head, disagreeing to her.

"Nah-ah, you know how much Lisa hated her now. "He said, Irene looked at him.

"You and Lisa could've be the highlights of that night, but what is that woman doing there? I heard from my assistant that she slapped you, is that true?" He asked sternly. Like Lisa he have this powerful and dangerous aura (because they are Manobans)

Irene softened her face, her lips arched and nodded slowly "I asked her nicely why she came back but she just suddenly slap me. I didn't even fought her back because I understand she's really hurt that Lisa and I will get married soon" she growled and pretended to be hurt.

As Irene is Marco's favorite he rubbed her shoulders to comfort her, his eyebrows wrinkled "That ungrateful woman! I thought she already learned her lesson but now that she's back again she still want to contend against you and Lisa!"

Upon hearing him, Irene sit closer to him and calm him "Dad calm down. It's nothing. I can take care of her on my own" she said softly

Marco breath heavily while staring sharply ahead of him "You should get rid of her already!"

"Get rid who?"

Irene and Marco looked at the wide oak door when they heard Lisa's heavy footsteps behind . Irene swallowed while Marco averted his gaze away from his daughter and sneered "who else? That useless poor woman you've married five years ago! She's really ungrateful and negligent that's why I never liked her for you!"
when Lisa heard his Dad she can't help but to clenched her fist she felt like her ears rang because of his dad's insult.
Lisa walked closer to them while trying to cool herself back.

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