Chapter X- changes

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Jennie's PoV

Third week. It's my third week here in Seoul but my days aren't getting any better. I mean the hotel—

I'm so frustrated. I stayed up all night and keep rechecking everything but I can't find what is it really that goes wrong. It's just so odd why some guest and costumers were not prevailing their stay. All of a sudden.

I rested my head on the back rest and close my eyes.

Just damn! i don't know what's happening! the profits were more decreasing instead of increasing. The rate of the hotel are now constructing even my employees are asking me why.
I heard a soft knock through the door and saw Rosie peeking halfway. She's grinning but it fades when she notice my troubled face.

"I see this is not a good time to annoy you" She mumble while nodding her head, she step inside and sat on my long couch. She's wearing a pair of gray sweat shirts I just force a smile and walked towards her. I flop my butt on the couch across her.

I'm grateful that Rosie is still here

She's holding a pack of beer can in her right arm and two boxes of pizza with her other hand. She put it all down on top of the table happily.

Hah this girl really. The more that she visit my office and talk to me, the more that I get to know her, I can see the real her and I'm loving it.

Her first day here was to annoy the hell out of me which really surprises and confuse me. I mean who wouldn't right? we weren't that close but she talk to me like I'm her childhood best friend. She literally drop all the formality. I'm not complaining tho, she has a good company and she's really sweet so it's not hard to feel comfortable around her although she's kind of a brat but yeah she admit it anyway. I think i can consider her as my closest friend now.

It's pass midnight already and i'm spending my night here because I really need to know the problem. I told Jessi unnie to look after my son, i thought she will disagree because she's really eager to go to the club the last time we talked but i'm glad she understand considering that she already knew about the hotel.

She wanted to help me but she said she doesn't know how cause she didn't study anything about business, she only know how to dance at the club and hook up with men...yeah she said that herself and i couldn't agree more.

"You should be sleeping right now you know?" I said and took the can of beer. I opened one for her and then mine. She thanked me and we clink our beers.

"My height won't lessen even if I stay up all night" she replied and look at me.

She said it calmly but i feel like she's teasing me?

"you said this is not a good time to annoy me!" I pouted.

She giggled "But I'm not annoying you? I'm just stating facts and you feel guilty." She snapped

I smiled while shaking my head.

"Is it still about your hotel?" She suddenly asked and take a slice of pizza.

"Yeah, this need to stop off. It affects the wages of my employees and everything. I spent more on operating and producing than to what I gain"
I sighed

She frowned and point her finger at me while holding her pizza. "I remember when you told me that there's a guy you talked to right? He wanted to buy this building?" She asked confusedly. My eyes widened and put down the beer "are you saying that I should really sell my hotel to him?!"

I feel like she wanted to throw the pizza to me but she stopped herself and take a bite, she shook her head "what?that's stupid. I mean, what if he is committed of what's happening to your hotel? You said you turn down his offer and he can't seem to accept it, so it's not impossible tho" she said surely.

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