22- masquerade party

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Sitting at the balcony, Lisa crossed her legs and turn the pages of the newspaper. While reading, her phone on top of the coffee table vibrated, she looked at it and closed the newspaper, she took her phone and read the messages from her secretary. She pick up the cup of coffee and take a sip as the cold breeze touch her bare skin, the hot liquid flows inside her throat that gives her the comfort and relaxation that her body craves for. As she read every letters, she starts to think if she will attend the masquerade party that Suga will be hosting tonight.

She shouldn't be bothering about this matter but the thought that Jennie will probably come too, she's now having a second thought because there's a part of her that she wanted to see her again. And it's confusing her why?

She put down the cup and about to type on her phone when the sliding door beside her opened, exposing her fiance Irene.

When Lisa lift up her head, Irene's smiling face greeted her with her dishevelled black silky hair because of the wind. She's already wearing her nightgown and Lisa find her cute because she seems so small standing towards the big glass door. She just smiled and waited for her to approach.

"You're staying here since earlier, something's wrong honey?" Irene asked as she leaned to kissed Lisa in her temple before she sat across her.

Lisa shook her head and turn off her phone before she put it back on the table again.

"Aside from the company" she simply said and grab the newspaper,she just place it under her nose so she can still see her fiance. Irene followed her with her gaze.

"I heard from your secretary that you got an invitation party from Mr. Yoongi?" She asked, but she doesn't sound questioning her at all since she already knew it because Yeri told her first. She just want to know her answer.

Lisa didn't bother to look at her fiance and continue reading.

The truth is Lisa already talked to her secretary and even scold her to not inform Irene before her. She is her boss so she must obey her right? But look at that kid, not really listening. For Lisa, it's just really upsetting that her secretary is listening to what Irene will say but when it comes to her she is somewhat opposing her and that's what she hates the most.

"You're not going right?" Irene asked softly while staring at her, it caught Lisa's attention. She sighed then she put down the newspaper and turned to the sky briefly while clasping her hands together.

"Other businessmen will be there, i need to show up atleast" she replied that made Irene puckered her eye brows

"What? But you're not actually attending those kind of events if it's not with the tycoons" she scoffed.

Lisa turned to her showing no emotions "Irene, i will go as the owner of the L.M Book Stores not a business tycoon. And i would like to be reconciled with them too." She said that made Irene more confused.

Lisa never had the interest to be friends with other general businessmen. Jackson, Bam, Minnie and Sorn are enough and not to mention that Sorn is currently upset with her. Lisa's father told her to only spend her time to those wealthy and powerful person in business industry and if she will really attend to the said party then it will be the first time as well.

And today, it seems like she's changing for that part and Irene can't help but to ask her again.

"Hon, are you sure? Aren't you supposed to regulate the corporation instead of attending unnecessary events?" She asked with a tone that Lisa made frowned.

"Do you think i'm being careless and disregarding my responsibility by putting up first to this party? Is that what you're trying to say Irene?" she jeered in annoyance. Irene blinked and was stunned because of Lisa's sudden reaction. She just realized what she had said and didn't thought that Lisa would misinterpret her.

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