Chapter III- encounter

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"That's all for now. Get cracking!" The head manager announced and clapped his hands after he introduce the owner and assistant of the hotel. Then the employees rushed to do their assigned work.

The head manager and Ruby Jane talk about the party preparations while walking along the hallway. Ruby tried to focus on the plan and sometime suggesting to make the party more classy. Song went to help and check all of stuffs so he can just report it to Ruby.

Jennie, Song, the head manager which is Sung Jae and other three staffs talked about it carefully since the party will be exclusively for BIG SHOTS which are the business tycoons of the City of Seoul.

Like what they are expecting, luxurious cars and reporters geared up with cameras and their equipments at exactly 9 PM. The night was still young and many luxury cars arrived one by one. Song Kang and Sungjae was waiting in front of the main entrance to welcome the most important people.

"Where is the President?" Sung Jae whispered and asked. Song just shrugged his shoulder that made the other guy shake his head.

Ruby Jane, who was currently inside of her office watching firmly the reporters scuffled around those businessmen while holding the glass of wine and
her other arm crossed over her chest.

Soon an expensive luxury car pull over slowly before the gates of the hotel.
The bodyguard went to opened the car door respectfully for his boss.
Then a familiar figure stepped out of the car as she was greeted with flash of cameras nonstop, she was dressed in a black suit and her dark aura was become more powerful than before. Everyone seemed to be intimidate with her emotionless expression which made Ruby Jane raise an eye brow.

Suddenly, a jaw-dropping woman wearing a fiery red evening dress got out from the other side of the car. Lisa reached out to hold Irene's hand before they started to walk. Like a powerful couple.

Irene squeeze her fiancé's arm softly to tell her to stop and pose for the camera. Lisa glimpse to her fiancé before they smile to the camera.

As Ruby stared at the couple, she smirked and gritted her teeth.

"What a great couple we have. A match made in heaven indeed" she mumble to herself.

Ruby drank her wine in one gulp and stared where she last saw the couple.
Song Kang knocks before he opened the door and caught Ruby beside of her window, obviously watching from afar.

He cleared his throat to get her attention but the girl seems lost in her thoughts that she didn't notice Song Kang walked beside her.

Ruby's eyes started to tear up

Not because of pain

But because of anger

Ruby never hated her ex wife even after what she did to her, yes she got mad but not to the point she hated her, but when she saw her again with the mistress. Everything flashbacks through her mind, the memories she thought she already forget chase her and it made her more furious

Now that she's witnessing them in front of her face. In front of everyone.

I hate the moment when suddenly my anger turns into tears.

Song Kang clenched his jaw when he saw the gleaming tears escaping from her feline eyes. As he can't bare seeing Ruby Jane crying, he pulled her closer and wrapped his broad arms around Ruby's shoulder while the other hand was stroking her hair.
Ruby flinched but then fluttered when she recognize the smell

"I don't know why are you crying.. But I'll stay here...i won't stop you until you feel better" Song Kang whispered enough for her to hear those words that made her eyes shut close.

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