18- karma

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"Ms. Ruby, i hope you like my present!"

I smiled through my phone and started to type.

"I really loved it Chahee, thank you so much!"

Chahee just gave me NiEEH hoodies with all different styles and colors plus a complete set of chanel accessories like pendant, bracelet, earrings, anklet and a ring. She's so sweet and generous.

Just when I send the message I received another message from unknown number.

My brows automatically curled upon reading the texts.

" Good morning Ms. Ruby Jane,
It's from the CJ E&M Entertainment Company. Do you have a some time?"

Entertainment company???

What has entertainment got to do with me?

Even though confusion engulfed me I still replied.

I put down my cell phone and leaned back in my chair. Suddenly the door opened and spat out the two familiar figure carrying my son. Before I could even react, Xavi already ran towards me while raising his arms to carry him.

I move my chair sideways to accept my son's hug.

"Hello baby boy!" I beamed as I carry him.

Aigoo. He's not a baby boy now, he's a big boy gosh

he cupped my cheeks and showered me with his kisses.

The fact that the faster he grew taller, he also gained weight and I had a hard time lifting him unlike before that I could even hardly let him go because he was just so light.

it flatters me because he becomes sweeter and he's not ashame of showing his affection towards her mom. Even if i'm not always 24 hours around him he still treats me like i'm the best mother.

"What's with the frown President mandu?" Rosie asked, maybe she notice my face earlier, she sat at the couch followed by Jisoo unnie.

Of course I still need to get to my office, Rosie insisted to look after my son then Jisoo unnie was always accompanying her also. Actually I can take care of Xavi by myself, i can take him here in my office and there's no problem with that but Rosie was really stubborn. She treats Xavi like her own son now, like can you believe that? The 'kid' that i'm always teasing for being spoiled brat and childish is acting like a mother now. Wah- seriously, do they have another persona that they aren't showing off yet?
What about Jisoo unnie? I want to know more about her, she's really nice. When I told her my first impression at her she just laughed.

All in all, i'm happy that we are getting along to each other well. Being with all of them, feels like home to be honest.

I let Xavi played his blocks on the carpeted floor before I sat beside Rosie.

"It's just...i don't know. I received a text from CJ E&M company. We're going to meet later." I sighed and rested my back.

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