34- pissed

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"Jendeuk? Is there something wrong?" Jisoo asked while inspecting Jennie against her phone screen.

Jennie gnashing her finger nail who seems preoccupied with her thoughts.
The scene where she and Song making out in the kitchen was really disturbing her. She went to her office as early as she can so that she won't meet him, now that they are staying in one roof.

"Chu..." She mumbled, she thought several times if she will tell Jisoo about it, she called her without thinking.

"Yes Jendeukie, what is it?" The other said readily.

"Song and I...kissed. Not the-the smack, but it was—ugh! I don't know, it happened so fast unnie!" Jennie grunted while her eyebrows curled.

Jisoo who watches Jennie's reaction, her lips curved into a smile while nodding her head.

"What are you thinking before you guys kissed?" She asked that made Jennie avert her gaze.

She's complimenting him. Thinking how matured he become, and dangerously hot at the same time. Is that the reason why she was tempt to kiss him back?

"You think of him naked, explains the tomato jennie" the woman asserted that made Jennie touch her cheeks.

"Naked? N-no way, I just thought he comes off dangerous but I find him hot!" Jennie blurted out and pout, which causes the other to laugh.

"Oh well, good for you! At least you can see him now. Did you guys talk already?" Jisoo said smiling.

Jennie shook her head slowly and talked "I think I hurt his feelings when I pushed him all of a sudden."

She said that made Jisoo puckered her forehead.

"Why is that?"

"Aside from we almost got caught, I felt strange when I saw his eyes...full of affection unnie" she replied in a daze.

Jisoo bit her bottom lip as she stared at her face in the screen.

"What's wrong with it? Of course he loves you that's why" she advised that causes Jennie to look back at her.

"That's the issue chu, he loves me and...i'm still confused to what I feel towards him. He's almost perfect chu, for Xavi and I, but...it's me, I am the problem" jennie expressed in a guilty tone.

Jisoo pressed her lips and then chuckled

"It's not a problem, you always got the time to make that confuse feelings into a serious one Jendeukie. Song waited for a quite long time now and it's rare. So I'm sure that dude won't make you cry Jen, he's nice and I approve him for you" Jisoo disclose which made Jennie to cough.

"Giving him a chance won't hurt, Jendeuk. You have to take the risk just like how he does" she added and smiled comfortably.

Just as Jennie sighed, another person joined the call.

"Hello-r" a cheerful woman greeted in her Aussie accent while waving her hands.

Jisoo's smiling slowly turned into pursing her lips.

"Rosie-yah! Geez, I miss you so much kid!" Jennie chimed and waved back at her.

The blonde pouted, Jisoo just pretend that she's reading the book that Sana gave her at the cafe where located on their company.

"I'm still taller than you mandu!" She exclaimed then chuckled, she notice Jisoo's side profile inside the screen.

"Jisoo unnie!" She called happily but the latter wasn't decided yet if she'll talk to her or end the call.

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