43- reunite

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Chitthip mumbled as she walk slowly  from her. She touched her hand to her heart while tears shimmered in her eyes, she can't believe that her daughter is now in front of her. It's like a dream.


Lisa called, fighting back her tears. She take out her hands from her pockets when Chitthip touched her cheeks, her hands were shaking while caressing her face.

"Is this real? Are you really my d-daughter?" Chitthip muttered asked, her voice cracked seeing Lisa's face fighting back her tears.

Lisa lowered her head and tried to stop her tears. She clenched her jaw and squeezed her eyes shut. She wanted to hug her mom, she wanted to feel her embrace again but her body was froze.

Chitthip didn't think twice and hug her from her torso tightly. It stunned Lisa but then, she slowly lifted her hands and hug her mom back. Lisa let her tears escaped from her eyes and sobbed.

Director Lee wiped the tears in the corner in his eyes while watching them reunite again. He looked at Taehyung, who bring Lisa in their house. He gave him a nod to tell him that it's okay and he don't have to feel wrong.



I can't help but to smile while seeing them talking to each other full of smiles and giggles, it's obvious the happiness from their faces.

I feel like a bad person when I left Lisa crying outside the Club. I think of her image so I took her in my car especially when some people were talking about her and started filming her. I remember myself to her at that moment.

I know she cried because of what I told her about Jennie. I'm glad that it affects her, it just means that she still care for Jennie. I can feel it that she's regretting, I mean I don't know but that's what I felt.


Yah, I can't believe you just abandoned me like that and brought her instead"

My attention aroused from Bobby who leaned against the bar with me.
He's smiling and tapped my shoulder

"You did a great job tho"

I sighed and smiled a bit. Then I crossed my arms over my chest while my eyes are fixed with them.

"Well, I think God is making it easier for us" I stated, he nodded his head and smiled at them.

After couple of minutes, he turned his head to me and spoke

"What if we succeed to bring Marco behind bars, what about Lisa's relationship to Irene? I heard she's pregnant" he asked seriously

I gave him a once-over and sighed

"Just because she's pregnant, it doesn't mean she's innocent"

I replied and watch Lisa. She glance at our direction briefly and turned back to her mom again.

"I know but what I'm saying is...would Lisa let it happen? I know how responsible and protective she is when it comes to her child"

Bobby said sincerely that made me chuckled.

"Protective?Responsible?" I asked and laugh sarcastically. I shook my head and tapped his shoulder

"Hyung, there are things that you don't know about and so as Lisa"

I said and his forehead ceased.

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