53- timing

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"Will you open that door for me to come in, again?" Lisa asks,

Jennie was even speechless and lowered her gaze to avoid Lisa's dazzling eyes. She cleared her throat and turn back at Lisa.

"Can we just... talk about this some other time?" Jennie said carefully, Lisa seemed embarrassed for a second. She swallowed and force a smile at Jennie.

"Y-yeah, sure. I'm sorry, am I too fast?"

"uh? No, it's just that..." Jennie didn't continue when Lisa murmured something.

"Right, you have Song Kang now" Lisa whispered and fake a chuckle.

Jennie wanted to speak her thoughts but she just gave Lisa a half-smile. Jennie hand the orange to Lisa and motioned her to eat which the latter followed since she doesn't have the mood to talk again.

"We'll talk when you got discharge," Jennie told causing Lisa to gaped at her while her mouth is halfway open

"Why not now?" Lisa asks like somewhat disappointed

"Obviously cause I don't want to be responsible if something happened to you because of me" she answered, straightforward. Lisa twitch her mouth and shook her head because of what she said.

"Lisa" Jennie called that Lisa immediately turned to her and grinned

"Yes, nini?" she tease

Jennie ignored it and place her hands on her thighs, then talked,

"I saw your phone, your lock screen..."

Lisa pursed her lips and scratches her head.

"I'm sorry, are you mad?" she asked in remorse.

Jennie sighed and shake her head.


"I- I just want to" Lisa stuttered and averted her gaze from Jennie.

The latter gave her an interrogative stare but she brushes it off after a while. She cleared her throat and stood up in her seat which made Lisa glance at her

"I'll be back. I'll just call your mom" Jennie said softly and walk ahead through the door

Before she could even open the door, Lisa spoke behind her.

"The blue and pink shirts" Lisa began that made Jennie standstill on her track.

"You left something in my office that day, Jennie"

Jennie's exe stopped when she realized what Lisa's trying to imply. She gulped hard and slowly turned around, she saw Lisa's unreadable eyes. Sadness was obvious surrounding her features.

"Inside those paper bags, was the things we once talked about if we'll have a baby" Lisa state, not taking her eyes off from Jennie.

Jennie couldn't find anything to say to her, she stayed silently and stared somewhere. She totally forgot that she brought kinds of stuff to make Lisa guess the baby's gender. She forgot to take it back cause she just ran that day.

Lisa was about to speak again but she saw the door opened, Jennie turned around and bowed at the person who just came in.

"M-Mrs. Manoban, I'm just about to call you" Jennie chuckled nervously but then breathed in relief. Good thing that Chitthip came because she doesn't know how to respond to Lisa.

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