48- Pt. A

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The exhausting day passed and Jennie decided to meet Tiffany. Her mom didn't allow her to go alone so she came with her to the Seoul Police Jail where Tiffany was restrained.

Jennie didn't talk to her mom until they arrived at the said place.

“Inmate 3607, you have a visit”

She requested for Tiffany then after a couple of seconds, Tiffany showed up inside the bulletproof glass between them. Jennie gawked at her, she was so drained and it's obvious in her face.

“I thought I won't see you again”

Tiffany greeted flatly as she sat on her chair. Her bottom lip has cuts and her skin seems pale, it's unexpected that her face is now different unlike before that she's always glowing and smiling. Her jail uniform still suits her.

“Did you just came here to watch me? Tell me some intriguing stories, Rubyjane” Tiffany told and chuckled yet her eyes say the opposite.

Jennie wanted to cry her eyes out and tell her what she feels but there are no tears left to cry. Jennie swallowed and lowered her head.

“I'm sorry,” said Jennie.

Tiffany stared and came off speechless, she didn't expect Jennie to apologize when it's her who put them in danger. She huffs and stuck her tongue in her cheeks.

“You're sorry because I failed to kill you?”

Even if it stunned Jennie, she still looked up to her and gave her a small smile.

“I still thought of you as my family and it didn't change.”

“Are you serious? After what I've done? Kidnapping your son and shooting anyone. You still think of that?” Tiffany said unbelievably and then cackled. 

“Just hate me, besides everyone's hating me now” She added in her casual tone like it was nothing but the latter shook her head.

“Unnie, I- I don't detest you. You may be regretting helping me...you don't know this but you saved me and my son when I have nothing left. I owe--” Jennie didn't continue when Tiffany slammed the table and yelled

“SHUT THE FUCK UP! Just hate me! Be mad at me, tell me I'm the monster, cursed me, and wished me dead Rubyjane! I will accept it all but don't make me feel worst because I! I fucking hate myself too!” Tiffany exclaimed and glared at Jennie, her eyes were cold but tears started appearing.

“You're not a monster, Tiffany. There's good in you, and I've always seen it” said Jennie.

“Goddamnit... JUST LEAVE!”  Tiffany shouted on top of her lungs, her face reddened because of her filling emotions.

Jennie curled her lips and stared at her first before she stood up from her seat.

Tiffany opened her mouth and about to speak when the door behind Jennie opened, showing a woman in her 50's. Tiffany scowled when she recognized who the woman is. Suddenly, her blood rises and the anger took her over. She gets up to her chair and punches the bulletproof glass as she gives daggers to Mrs. Kim.

“You! How dare you show yourself to me!?”

Jennie's mother fake a smile at Jennie and motioned her to leave the two of them alone which the latter did without asking any more questions.



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