45- choose

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Tiffany's POV

I threw my cigarette on the floor and step on it. I just finished watching Rubyjane inside the condo, they left so I'm not sure where did they go.

Obviously in the police station?

I sighed and decided to call her using my number. She answered it quickly so I guess she's just waiting for someone to call her.

"U-unnie, where are you? Are you okay?"

I chuckled silently because of her worried tone.

"Unnie?" She called again.

I sighed and moved away my phone from my face.

My smile withered, it's funny how I helped her to reached where she is right now and yet I'm also the one who will bring her down.

Rubyjane, you're a great person but the problem is... they happened to be your parents.

I think about this so many times and so many times that I told myself that you did nothing wrong. But everytime I see your face, I remember your parents. I remember my mom.

"Where did you bring them? Where's my son?!"

My thoughts was interrupted when she yelled, I was a bit surprised that she knew.

"Hmm, they're still breathing... I guess?" I chuckled.

I heard her sobs over the line.

"Fuck- how can you do this?? P-please don't hurt my son I'm b-begging you! Not my s-son!" She wailed, I bit my lips and grinned

"Ey, you're crying too early. Save that for later arasseo?" I said and chuckles.

"Please" she cried and paused, "what do you need?" She asked while crying.

I pouted and look up,

What do I need?

"Can you bring back my mom?" I asked and smiled

She didn't speak so I glance at my phone and the call is still on-going.

"B-but your mom is d-dead"

She said in her trembling voice, I gritted my teeth and clutch my phone

"Can you bring my mom back to life?!" I belted and clenched my jaw.


I exhaled a breath and exited my office.

"Okay, let's end this quick. Go to Incheon ***** ALONE, don't do stupid or else Xavi will pay the price" i warned in my serious tone.

She cursed over the line but then agreed.

After the call, I headed to the other room where Xavi is. He is still sleeping on the bed, I sat beside him and caress his cheeks with my index finger.

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