24- miserable

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"Soft tissue injuries, which are defined as connective tissue damage to the muscles, ligaments, or tendons caused by a car accident, back and neck injuries are the most common type of injury caused by car accidents. Whiplash is the stretching of head and neck muscles and ligaments in reaction to the sudden movement of a collision. This type of injury can be painful and long-lasting, Mr. Manoban." Dr. Oh explained as Marco became serious. Irene looked down and heave a sigh.

"How long does it take her to recover from a car accident?" irene asked in a worried tone.

Dr. Oh Sehun, gave her a tight lip smile and talk,

"In general, the more serious your injuries, the longer you will experience pain and soreness. Six weeks is the average recovery time after a car accident. Some victims will feel back to normal sooner than this, while others will experience pain and suffering for a lifetime."

"You said her brain was damage? Can she go into a coma?"

She asked as her heart starts to beat fast, Marco glance at her and to the doctor waiting for his answer.

"During the impact of an accident, the brain crashes back and forth inside the skull causing bruising, bleeding, and tearing of nerve fibers. After the accident the person may be confused, not remember what happened, have blurry vision and dizziness, or lose consciousness... A coma is associated with a traumatic brain injury (TBI). However, car accident victims may suffer a momentary loss of consciousness with a less serious head injury like a concussion. ... If the patient is comatose for a matter of months, the chances of coming out of the coma decline. Comas are unpredictable. A coma after a car accident can last hours, days, weeks, months and even years. It varies with each victim."

He paused for a second and continue,

"When a coma occurs, the body goes into a state of minimal consciousness. A person in a coma has no responses other than reflex movements. That means that pain, loud noises, or temperature changes can't wake the person. But a person in a coma is still very much alive. Patients in comas may benefit from the familiar voices of loved ones, which may help awaken the unconscious brain and speed recovery, talking and touching a loved one while they are in a coma may help them recover."

He discussed, he waited for a moment if they still have questions but the two stayed quiet.

"I'll excuse myself, Mr. Manoban, Ms. Bae" he bid and turned his back.

Irene entered the room and sat beside Lisa's bed.

"I don't know what will happen to me if i lost her" irene whispered and sob while staring at Lisa's pale wounded face, her neck and her head was wrapped with bandage.

They also had to put cement on her limbs to avoid the aggrevation in case she wakes up. Although none of them can tell when will her consciousness will come back. They also warned them that Lisa might have an amnesia due to the brain damage, but it's still depends to the patient.

Marco sighed silently and caresses her back "she'll be fine" he mumbled and glance at Bobby.

Behind, there was Bobby loosening his necktie, he felt suffocated seeing Lisa laying on the hospital bed lifelessly. Her face were full of fresh cuts and bruises. He can't see an ounce of dangerous Lisa now.

Marco and Bobby left the VIP Ward where Lisa is confined. When they reached outside the hospital, Bobby lowered his head behind Marco.

"So did you found out why Lisa was in Gangnam?" He asked coldly while his hand is on his pocket.

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