50- it is what it is

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12: 32 AM

“Where's Jennie? She's not coming back yet?” Mrs. Kim asked as she notices that Jennie is nowhere to be found.

Taehyung peeks at his watch and gave each one of them a Starbucks coffee.

“I didn't see her anywhere” He replied confusingly

Jisoo thanked him and fish out her phone. She's also calling Jennie's number since she was gone for an hour but Jennie isn't answering nor replying to her texts.

“Dr. Park said Jennie went outside, so maybe she's just refreshing?” Chitthip said, questioning at the end of her statement because even herself wasn't sure. Jennie is indeed gone for the whole time.

“she's not here when the operation started, it's almost 24 hours and the operation is still ongoing. How come she didn't come back once again?” Mrs. Kim gasped and sighed heavily.

Jisoo felt her mother's overreacting because of worrying. She tapped her shoulder and spoke

“I'm just going to look for her,”  she said low and slid her phone on her coat.

Taehyung heard her and look at her, he handed the last coffee to Bobby and step towards her

“I'll come with you” he insisted, Jisoo wanted to refuse but everyone is looking at them so she just nodded her head.


While walking in the hallway, Jisoo is just staring ahead. Taehyung wandered his eyes around just to avert the awkward silence between them. Not too long ago, they walked out through the main entrance of the Hospital. Taehyung build his courage and spoke

“Jisoo-ssi? Do you know where Jennie could be?” He asked politely.

He's being formal because he's not close to her. They didn't even talk ever since they all gathered outside Lisa's room. Good thing that Jisoo doesn't mind, she knew that he's doing this because he's concern for Jennie.

“No idea. I can't think of any places she could run to. She's not replying to my texts, I'm starting to get worried as well!” Jisoo let out eagerly as she strolled side by side in case she might glimpse Jennie.

Taehyung sigh and rubbed his palm to produce heat. It's midnight so the air that touches their skin is way colder than usual considering that the winter season is near to approach.

Jisoo gnashed her teeth because of the freezing weather, she then halted and turned to Taehyung who's looking around the parking lot while still rubbing his palm together.

“Taehyung, let's go to their condominium. I'm not sure if she'll go back there but let's still try” Jisoo called that catches Taehyung's attention. The guy drew nearer and spoke

“Let's use my car then, let's go?” He insists while pointing to his car with his thumb. Jisoo didn't say anymore and bob her head. They head straight to his car and Taehyung immediately started the engine.

Ahead of their way to Jennie's condo, Jisoo continues to contact her sister but just like earlier, she's still out of the coverage area. She's starting to overthink, afraid that something happened to Jennie again. After trying several times, Jisoo certainly quit trying and focus on watching the road.

Taehyung cleared his throat quietly before he talked,

“Jisoo-ssi, can I ask you something particular?”

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