40- Xavi

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Everyone greeted when Jennie exited their bedroom with Xavi. Xavi cheered his hands happily causing everyone to laugh.

Jessi, Jisoo, Rosie, Tiffany, and Song are all wearing birthday hats. Song approaches Jennie and puts the hat in her head, then to Xavier. They smiled at each other and received teasing from them.

Jennie put down Xavi first and roamed her eyes around the condo. Full of balloons on the ceiling and there's a black background and camera on the other corner for the photo booth, the flat-screen TV is their karaoke and Rosie is currently holding the mic, the wall is covered of Xavi's pictures and the "Happy Birthday Kim Xavier" balloon letters hanging against the wall. And some random stuffs to make it looks warm and lively.

Jennie covered her mouth because of the overwhelming feeling, she can't believe that they would make an effort for Xavi this much.

"Omo, did you all do these?" She asked with her amused face.

They all smiled with their proud face, Jennie can't help but well up her eyes because of tears of joy

"Why are you crying? It's not for you, we did it for Xavi okay?" Jessi joked and tapped her shoulder.

"Sorry" Jennie chuckled and wiped her tears, she doesn't want to ruin the mood in the morning.

"So we were still cooking, maybe we will start by lunch?" Tiffany asked while her hand is holding a knife, all of them nodded except for Rosie who is playing with Xavi.

"Anyways, is it just us or you did invite a few?" Tiffany asked confusedly, the. they turned to Jennie waiting for her answer. She scratches her temple and glance at her son

"Uhm, he invited Lisa, I also invited Taehyung and Sj" Jennie tried to sound casual but the way they look at her makes her feel nervous.

Of course, they would give her a questioning look as to why did she allow Lisa to come, maybe for them it's stupid and confusing because the fact that Xavi is Lisa's child it's also weird like why would Jennie let Xavi and Lisa became close to each other? What if Lisa found out and take Xavi away from them? They knew their past, and they had always been irritated with Lisa. Song Kang lowered his gaze while Jessi opened her mouth but no sound comes out, Rosie cleared her throat and continue playing with Xavi. Jisoo nods her head to tell her that it's fine. It's sudden silence but Tiffany spoke making the atmosphere lit up.

"Okay! Come on Jessi, Jisoo, we have an additional so let's prepare" Tiffany said and pulled Jessi with her.

"I will help" Jennie let out and followed them.

Around the kitchen, Jisoo and Jessi are slicing the vegetables while Tiffany and Jennie do the cooking.

"Why did you do that?" Tiffany asked while swirling the molten cheese.

Jennie peek at her briefly and turned back on cooking the pasta.

"Because Xavi wants to"

"Exactly Rubyjane, you're letting them be attached" Tiffany mumbled in annoyance.

"I don't have a choice unnie, it's Xavi's request" Jennie replied and pout

But Tiffany finds it weird because Jennie should be harsher when it comes to Lisa. She told her before that she will never let Lisa near her son, but what's happening now?

"Did you forget the pain that Lisa gave to you? Where is the Rubyjane I knew who hates Lisa more than I do?" Tiffany whispered, her face was serious making Jennie gulped hard.

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